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Paleo ❤ Gluten-free ❤ Casein-free

Social Audience 181K
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Dairy-Free Potatoes au Gratin

The “cheese” in this recipe is a variation of the cheese in my lasagna recipes, which gets combined with other things like meat sauce, when you make lasagna. I added some extra spices here because I thought the dairy-free cheese was a little bland all by it’s lonesome

Gluten-Free Veggie Pancake

Remember how last week I told you that I’d be lying if I said I didn’t use store-bought pancake mixes? My breakfast is usually late enough in the morning and big enough, that it keeps me full until late afternoon, when I have a snack, usually store-bought “cheesy” kale chips (like the ones they had at Costco last) or a blend of nuts with some dark chocolate chips. about 1 cup thawed* frozen veggies (I use a blend of broccoli, cauliflower, and carrot) 1 green onion, finely chopped Herbamare garlic powder taco seasoning pancake batter of choice, enough to cover* This way I have batter ready to make my Veggie Pancake all week long!

Banana Nut Muffins

Over lattes at a table outside, sporting sandals for the first time this year, my friends were saying how their businesses didn’t leave time for things like cleaning and cooking. However, cooking is NOT my business anymore, and like my badass business mama friends, I too don’t cook anymore. I explained that we don’t eat out, but I also don’t “cook”, at least not the way that I used to anyway. That’s how I came to a muffin recipe by one of my all-time favorites, Detoxinista.

Business, Passion, Service

My first cookbook, May 2009, out of print My passion has always been my business: Healing my family through diet and nutrition, and serving others who have similar needs. When I started my food blog in 2008 there wasn’t anything we could buy in the store

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