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There's a New Sheriff in Town!

I want to let you all know that The Perimenopause Blog will be under the direction of a new team going forward. They have been sponsors of Perimenopause Blog content in the past and were it not for the great relationship that I had built with them, I wouldn’t have been able to back away as quickly, putting The Perimenopause Blog in someone else But, I’m leaning very strongly toward a new site with a new direction entirely. However, if you wish to “Like” the new Facebook page so you can follow my new site in the future, you can find the site here.

The Perimenopause Blog

I believe I was fired because I challenged their lack of consistency and wouldn’t allow myself to be bulldozed into selling my soul to the company for entry-level wages. So, “non-performance” was an easy way out for a company who didn’t know what to do with someone who asked a lot of questions, revealed the lack of consistent process and procedure by her questions, and who wouldn’t fall down and salaam an office full of men who held and wielded the power non-judiciously. I believe they were looking for someone who would fall in line without questions and give up their life for that company, and I just wasn’t going to do that. I’m a strong woman with many, many years of productivity and worth left in her, and I’m not about to get pushed to the side by a bunch of 30-something kids who haven’t lived long enough to expand their understanding of what is truly valuable and of worth in this life.

Does Business Have a "Duty" to Support Women in Menopause?

In the interest of full disclosure, I’m going to say right upfront that I’m a very conservative woman – not so much socially. The article suggests quite plainly that since women are in the workforce in higher numbers, and particularly older women such as myself, and perhaps even you, that businesses are duty bound to “address environmental factors such as the workplace and society that impact on reproductive health to positively support women”. But, let’s say that some of us work for total slave-driving tyrants who don’t have water, decent working conditions, and couldn’t care less if you drop dead from thirst or heat exhaustion. But, demanding that an employer provide me with a fan because I’m having a hot flash?

The Estrogen Window by Dr. Mache Seibel: What Every Woman Over 40 Needs to Know

Thankfully, a lot of the fervor and high anxiety surrounding the use of estrogen during perimenopause and menopause has died down considerably, and the medical community seems to be rallying around the use of estrogen once again. I’m someone who came late to hormone therapy, in that I didn’t begin estrogen therapy until I was actually post-menopausal. If you are considering the use of estrogen therapy during perimenopause or perhaps even into menopause as I’ve done, you might find this book interesting and of some use on your own quest to find what is best for you. Because, frankly, as a 60-something year old woman, who is post-menopausal, there are some medical experts who would say I don’t need to use estrogen, and that the longer I use it, the more I increase my risk for breast cancer, stroke, and other health issues.

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