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A well-run homeschool is the key to a beautiful and doable classical education without being overwhelmed!

Social Audience 13K
  • Books and Literature
  • Education
  • Homeschooling
  • Homework and Study
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
Grammar Stage or Parrot Years

An opportunity to lay a foundation of memorization and skills Classical education finds this period in children’s development to encourage kids to memorize lists of pharaohs, US presidents, states, and capitals. And don’t forget to memorize poetry, Bible verses, and quotes from great literature. At the same time that you’re encouraging your child to memorize, it’s also the time to lay a solid foundation of skills for future studies. Classic children’s literature such as The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh or Peter Pan also makes a wonderful read-aloud.

Do You Really Know What Classical Education Is?

In this lecture, Dorothy Sayers divided education into three distinct stages which gave rise to the modern classical education movement. So in modern classical education, elementary kids memorize history lists, parts of speech, and multiplication tables. The second time through history occurs during the dialectic stage so you concentrate on teaching kids to think critically. Ultimately classical education isn’t about just giving your kids an excellent education to get them into college.

Make an Easy Edible Model Earth Science Project

And I wanted to make a physical and edible model Earth to help them understand the various parts of the Earth: namely the core, the mantle, and the crust. Here are the supplies needed: The first thing I did was to make Rice Krispies treats using this recipe: Original Rice Krispies Treats. At this point, let the kids know the truffle is the core, the Rice Krispie Treats are the mantle, and the frosting will be the crust. Artistic kids may want to spend time carefully recreating the continents and oceans, while less artistic kids may decorate their model Earths less realistically.

Earn College Credit In High School with the CLEP & DSST

Let’s chat about how to earn college credit in high school Have you ever considered allowing your kids to earn college credit in high school? Like the CLEP test, your high school teenager is able to earn college credit by studying the courses and taking the test. How to Study for the CLEP & DSST Using has study guides and tests for all sorts of courses from middle school through college level. If for some reason your child chooses not to take the DSST or CLEP test, you can still award high school credit on the transcript for the course.

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