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The Intrepid Guide is a travel, language, and lifestyle blog featuring travel tips, language hacks, resources, and photography from around the world.

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17 Free Italian Courses Online to Learn Italian from Home

Language Transfer is a non-profit language learning platform run by Mihalis who offers several free online language courses including a free Italian course online. On the website, three courses are available: an Italian course for beginners, a grammar course, and a vocabulary course. Price: $35.97 per 3 months, $95.88 per year, $179 for a permanent one-time subscription Rosetta Stone’s unique feature is its full immersion: no English is used anywhere in the course, you will see and hear only Italian, as if you are in a foreign country or if you were a child learning their first language. This course will help you overcome the awkward feeling you have when you start speaking a foreign language, build a more positive and goal-oriented attitude to language learning, and teaches you how to immerse yourself into your target language.

25 Tips for Procrastinators: How to Stay Motivated to Learn a Language

Avoid setting goals like learning all pronunciation rules in 1 hour or even 1 day, or say you’ll speak fluently after only a month of learning. Changing your mindset isn’t easy, but once you accept that making mistakes is part of the learning process, that’s a big step in the right direction Learning Pay attention to what’s working and what’s not We are all different with different learning styles and have different approaches to language learning. Be honest with yourself and analyze your own learning: what works and what doesn’t, what topics do you enjoy learning about

Italy Fun Facts: 126 Unique Things You Didn't Know About Italy

That makes Italy the world’s 23rd country by population Theis a little over 60 million people. For instance, it’s customary to place a loaf of bread face up not to offend Jesus; it’s back luck to celebrate your birthday before the actual date; when raising a toast, you should tap the bottom of the glass on a table to bench; and it’s bad luck to raise a toast with water or when drinking from a plastic cup. In fact, the Rome city council protects them due to their ancient bond with the city, citing that they are part of the city’s ‘bio-heritage. Yes, The Vatican is the only country in the world to have ATM’s that speak Latin to you as you withdraw money.

300+ Russian Phrases You NEED to Know Before Travelling to Russia

In this guide, we will take a look at the Russian language, its history, its alphabet, and some of its features that can present challenges for the learners or that every Russian learner (and traveller) should know about Let’s take a closer look at the Russian language. This language eventually developed into the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family, including such languages as Russian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, and others. There are letters that look like the letters in English and have relatively similar sounds (а, к, м), but there are also letters that look familiar but are pronounced differently (н, р, х) and letters that look completely unfamiliar and weird (ж, ф, ы). Language Learning Tips: How to Learn a Language from Home

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