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Tips on Hiring the Right Web Designer

Hiring the right web designer is a key part business. The importance of the web designer is not to be discounted or overlooked

4 Inexpensive Marketing Ideas for Small Business

Luckily, these inexpensive marketing ideas will help your content marketing do double duty and increase sales fast. If you’ve just launched an E-commerce store and want to drive more traffic, an effective marketing strategy to use is influencer blogging. Consider a specific coupon page on your site to help increase sales and encourage people to subscribe to your email list. If you want to build your email list, consider giving away a pair of earrings or bracelet with a purchase for those who share an email address.

BOOK REVIEW: 5 Secrets to Your Best Year Ever

The author’s big thought is to set your goals in your discomfort zone and then take actions to their achievement in your comfort zone. Here are examples the author uses; “program the lights in my office to turn off automatically at 6:00 pm so that I follow through on my goal of quitting work at 6:00 pm, and ask my assistant to automatically get dinner reservations for me each Friday night at 6:00 pm so that I follow through on my goal of a weekly date night with my wife. To support his goal of stopping work at 6:00pm he designed these responses; “If I get a phone call at 5:45 pm, then I’ll let it go to voicemail, if team members want to talk to me on my way out of the office I tell them I’m happy to talk tomorrow and If I have to attend a meet at 5:00 pm, then I’ll tell the organizer I must leave the meeting at 5:55 pm. He recommends that we set goals that stretch us into our discomfort zone but take actions to achieve them deep in our comfort zone.

How to Change Your Wordpress HTTP to HTTPS (for FREE)

You’ve worked hard to make your business website tick all the right boxes. It has a great design, it’s mobile-friendly, it’s informative, and has clear calls to action

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