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A Milspouse blogger focusing on Army life, marriage, and mental healthy from the perspective of family counselor!

Social Audience 12K
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Making Base Housing Feel Like Home

I don’t know if you feel like I do, but I love the possibility of a blank canvas when moving into a new house, but I am also always intimidated to put my stamp on it while we are here. Newer houses have more conveniences like faux hardwood floors, bathrooms that aren’t tiled from floor to ceiling, but they are generic and you can walk in any house in the neighborhood and its basically the same, until you move all your stuff in and make it a home. I know this does not have to do with your house itself, but I feel much more at home when I get out and know people in my area. So now that you’ve gotten started on unpacking your house, I would love to hear about what makes you feel most at home when you make it to your new duty station after each PCS?

The Adventures of a Young Wife

From the time babies are born, they need their mom- whether you’re nursing or not there is something so innate in a baby to need mom. This feeling is even more amplified when dad is deployed during those formative months of babies life. , especially us stay at home moms who throughout the day are responsible for the day to day happenings. If baby won’t pay attention to dad while you’re around step out of the room.

The Adventures of a Young Wife

This is the first place I have ever lived that actually has a Fall season that lasts more than 3 days! Now whether you’re in my boat and have a baby in tow, or you’re just a newly married couple or you’re lucky enough that you can leave your baby with a sitter Fall offers great date ideas that can be enjoyed by families and couples alike! Who doesn’t love fresh apples or even better yet fresh apple baked goods. This wins one multiple levels- kid free fun without paying for a sitter, fun with your hubby, and you get to try not just one but TWO tastey treats at the end!

And Then There Were 3... Again!

it has been nearly a month since we technically started this PCS when the hubs left Korea to finally join the Little Miss and I in Hawaii before we headed off on our whirlwind vacation. When you go home and nobody has met the newest member of your family it makes life crazy with all the people who want to meet your newest little bundle- even if she is already almost 10 months old! Homecoming is like what I imagine going on a blind date to be like. But to make it through that reintegration phase enjoying the honeymoon period can refresh your soul enough to make it through the rough transition of reintegration.

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