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Changing Course: Live & Work on Your Own Terms

After all, if no one ever knows about your big idea they can’t possibly judge it… or . If you don’t share your business plan… For five years I produced a fabulous two-day workshop called Work at What You Love which I co-led with my friend and author of Making a Living Without a Job, Barbara Winter. Or you breathe life into your dream by going on to social media or emailing your closest friend and making your own public declaration now. People who will be there to support one another, to hold each other accountable for making slow steady progress, to offer new ideas and solutions, to help one another overcome the inevitable setbacks, and to celebrate the wins big and small.

Serving Seniors: 30 Ways to Turn One Interest into Income

From that experience came a burning desire to start a business that served people 60 years old and older. It had to: • be a business she can run alone • not be too expensive to start and generate income within a short time And if Kate tapped Barbara Winter’s brilliant concept of having multiple income streams, several smaller enterprises could add up to a nice livelihood. Click here to learn how to schedule a personal Work at What You Love career coaching session with me or one of my licensed Profiting From Your Passions ® career coaches today.

Changing Course: Live & Work on Your Own Terms

If you’re having trouble finding things to be grateful for then ask yourself a few simple questions: What do I take for granted? From the productivity of a late-summer tomato plant to the delicate unfurling of a fern to new growth on a house plant, nature’s exuberance and tenderness is something to behold. As you enjoy a drink of clean water, a warm bed, or the company of a loved one today and every day, pause and be grateful for what and who is in your life right now. Too Late to Find Your Calling: A Handbook to Help You Find Your Passion – and Get a Life

Changing Course: Live & Work on Your Own Terms

For starters, whether you dream of opening a bakery or relocating halfway around the world, dreams require a big GO-NO-GO decision. If you discover you unconsciously try harder to hit a bulls-eye when thinking of going with option A over option B – pay attention! When you awake, consider any dream to be an answer to your query—or the question behind the question. Make sure you have something to record your dream on right next to your bed and make sure you capture even the essence of your dream before you get up.

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