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How to Dress for Virtual Conference Calls & Other Work From Home Tips

Skip to content How to Dress for Virtual Conference Calls & Other Work From Home Tips COVID-19 has led to many unexpected changes in how we live our lives and especially in how we do business. Whether you’re new to working remotely or just looking to find ways to present yourself more professionally online, here’s how to dress for virtual conference calls and a bunch of other WFH tips. While dressing for comfort and style during virtual conference calls is certainly important to presenting yourself professionally through the screen, there are still other small changes you can make to help you better adapt to the WFH life. Whether it’s morning coffee at the kitchen table while your kids eat breakfast, making it a priority to take a walk around the block for lunch or logging out and hitting the (home) gym when the clock strikes five, taking steps to build a WFH pattern that works for you is empowering and helps to create structure in your day.

We Can’t All Be Social Justice Warriors – Does Another Role Fit Better?

We’ve seen how a lack of available healthcare impacted the working class, how minimum wage workers were deemed “essential” without long-term pay increases, how the working class, immunocompromised, and elderly were sacrificed for the sake of the “economy,” and how disparities in healthcare access for Black people led to higher risk of COVID complications without acknowledging the racist biases present in our hospitals and medical community. How 2020 became the summer of activism both online and offline Lack of company transparency and support for the Black Lives Matter movement also led to several people (myself included) quitting their jobs in 2020, whether in solidarity or for their own safety and security. While “armchair activism” or “slacktivism” (only participating in activist causes from home or online) used to be treated as a lesser form of activism, the fact that people were stuck at home in 2020 while our society experienced several major social movements meant that work-from-home activists were doing just as much for the cause as anyone else, albeit in different ways. * Consume the art, writing, and work of Black and Indigenous People of Color; not just their work about racism and social justice, but their art and fantasy novels and cosplay too Share your own experiences with activism in the comments, I would love to hear from you and celebrate the work you do!

How to Combat a Creative Scarcity Mindset

When you’re worried about money scarcity, you focus more on the risks of spending rather than acting as if money is abundant and flowing regularly into your life. When you’re worried about your business failing, you’re more prone to say yes to discounts or resist raising your rates just to close a sale rather than focusing on attracting the clients who are able and enthusiastic about paying your full price. Scarcity is REAL, and I don’t want to pretend that true wealth and security come from your state of mind when you’re facing actual scarcity of income, resources, food, etc. Visualize yourself creating your art, your course, your products to the point of being sold out, booked solid, and able to refer potential clients to others in your circle because you’re at capacity with the exact right clients for you!

What We Keep Messing Up About “SMART” Goals

We stick to specific and time bound, and if life goes sideways or we get smacked with a global pandemic or an illness or family issues or a job loss, we think we failed at our goal just because we didn’t finish it in the time allotted. As I realized these goals weren’t achievable in one year while balancing my own mental and physical health needs, I revised the goals. An example of a specific goal is “run my online course four times this year” and an even more specific goal would be “sell out my online course four times this year with 10 people per run. but you also need a full-time job to keep a roof over your head, maybe part-time is the way to go because full-time isn’t achievable while also maintaining your mental health.

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