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What do 6 seemingly ordinary cats living in a quietly quaint English village do all day? We go on the most epically epic adventures you've ever read!

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Feline Fiction on Fridays #97 at Amber's Library featuring ** Here Comes The Easter Cat** by Deborah Underwood

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitt in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library I was going to tell mew what a hideously busy and offurwhelming week I'd had in the library and how it had been nigh on impossible fur me to choose a book fur and I added this one to my 'to buy list' and guess what I got it instead of an Easter Egg, I didn't need the extra calories anyway and I added this one to my 'to buy list' and guess what I got it instead of an Easter Egg, I didn't need the extra calories anyway Seriously though mew don't need kids to buy this book, buy it fur yourselves and enjoy, give the kiddies another egg!

Our New Programming Schedule Update, Lean Times Are Upon Us & Yesterday's No Show on The Easter Pet Parade 296 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

This week mew may have noticed that our programming schedule is a little off, this is because we are not happy campers right now, the website we mentioned last week still has our posts up, although they ping the posts on and off like a yo-yo? ? ? As mew can see that leaves us 2 posts a week, plus there will be NO Summer Blockbuster this year, so that means no epically epic adventure will be happening here either, many apologies fur that too, and we'd got an epically epic tale to tell as well, but that will have to wait now. So really we're not left with much and mew guys can thank the content thieves fur where we are today, because we're not wurking our tails off fur them to take credit fur our hardwurk, and pass our posts/material off as their own - not that the thieves will care, because those kind of peeps don't have a conscience, they have no morals or ethics, and won't care in the slightest, they'll just move on to the next victim. The book that started effurything, ' furst published in 2004 has been pirated 100,000's of 1000's of times offur the years, [we saw it get downloaded 50,000 times in a week on one website] and now our lovely little blog is going the same way because of internet piracy.

Colouring with Cats #84 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandala's on Monday ~ No Bow Tie Wars This Week Howeffur We Do Have Some Catnip Easter Eggs

Anyhoo, we do have a new bow tie to share with mew, but the P.A. furgot about it until the 11th hour and 59th minute and there was no time fur a fashion shoot, the new one is top right, we think it's purretty snazzy But as there's no one modelling the bow tie we're going to tease mew with our latest post just fur Easter which will be live on Caturday, so if mew're in the market fur a shopping trolley's wurth of catnip Easter Eggs, do stop by! Plus mew can see the P.A. hasn't been slacking off in the sewing department ~ we like to keep her busy! Just look at those Catnip Easter Eggs ~ EPICALLY EPIC OR WHAT! ?

Feline Fiction on Fridays #96 at Amber's Library featuring **Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats** by T.S. Eliot

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitt in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library. and I thought he looked like he was taking a shine to that stack through the window the other morning early on, so I charged Fudge with being book security and as mew can see, he takes his job furry seriously! Mew know I was reading my news feed on Thursday morning and a headline said; 13 Books to read before they're made into movies or released as movies, something like that, I can't quite remember now. And just before I pop off, another completely useless factoid, my copy used to belong to a library in Hertfordshire, and know it's part of the Mewton-Clawson library, how fabulous.

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