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CNN political analyst, speaker, author, "How's Your Faith?"

Social Audience 2M
  • Religion & Spirituality
Romemu and CNN's David Gregory Sparks Discussion on Religion

Rabbi David will be joined by CNN political analyst David Gregory for a powerful discussion of various religious traditions and the journey to discover what we believe and who we want to be. David Gregory has worked as an NBC news anchor, a moderator on Meet the Press, and is currently a political analyst for CNN. The Wall Street Journal’s book review says that Gregory explores spirituality with the curiosity and dedication you would expect from a seasoned journalist, coupled with the “genuine and deeply felt” yearning of a true seeker of faith. Following the discussion, attendees are invited to join us for a book signing and reception, generously sponsored by Romemu’s Israel Lit book club.

David Gregory appearing on Real Time with Bill Mahar 2017

CNN analyst David Gregory talks about his upcoming appearance on Real Time with Bill Mahar, tonight (June 9th 2017) on HBO. Other guests will include Michael Eric Dyson and Ice Cube. The panel will be discussing the Comey testimony, president Trump, Michael Flynn, and the Russia investigation. [CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

My review of an engaging new book about the search for Jewish meaning

According to the writer Leon Wieseltier, the greatest scandal among American Jews is illiteracy. During lunch at a Washington, D. C., steakhouse more than a decade ago, Wieseltier encouraged my own Torah study and efforts to deepen my faith by admonishing, “ The journalist Abigail Pogrebin, who interviewed Wieseltier for her book about Jewish identity, “Stars of David,” takes his cri de coeurseriously. “something tugged at me, telling me there was more to feel than I’d felt, more to understand than I knew” — and decides to celebrate all the Jewish holidays of the calendar year, even the ones she’s never heard of.

Advancing racial equity with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson

A group of Martha’s Table donors and community partners joined together at Casseroles and Conversations last night to discuss issues concerning racial equity in our community and across our country. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, author and professor at Georgetown University, and David Gregory, Martha’s Table board member, led the conversation. Susan Gage Caters provided pro bono catering services for the event.

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