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5WPR is a Top 10 US PR Firm. Based in New York, 5WPR is fast-paced, and focused. We are a results oriented PR Agency. For more info visit www.5wpr.com.

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Dashboards Drive Success

Dashboards can be utilized to track and analyze a host of different things, but it’s only been recently that the power of dashboards to help public relations professionals has been discovered. Tracking competitors is nothing new but incorporating some of the findings into the PR dashboard likely is. By more closely monitoring and reacting to important information and trends, PR pros can be a part of and even initiate new and popular conversations. The other thing to track for the dashboard is the amount of coverage the industry is receiving and whether there’s a trend in coverage in either direction.

Defining a Target Audience

One of the most important things that marketers can do is to develop a clear understanding of the company’s target audience because this information is what established all the other elements of a social media marketing strategy. The great thing about all of this data is that it’s already available on various social media platforms because most of them have their own social media analytics tools. Marketers do this by monitoring relevant hashtags and keywords across social media platforms to find out what the public, and the target audience, are saying about the company as well as its competitors, even when they aren’t directly mentioned and tagged in those posts or conversations. Finally, marketers should learn what the target audience wants from the company’s social media profiles.

Smart PR Lessons From Royals

The old saying goes “practice makes perfect” and this is especially true for high-stakes media interviews like the one that the world watched between Oprah and the royal couple. This is something that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle clearly mastered, as they had been training for it both as celebrities and as royals, and it became incredibly valuable as they didn’t let the conversation stray or miscommunicate. That goes to show they all have a deeper relationship with a lot of success, which is why Harry and Meghan decided to grant their first joint interview since their engagement to Oprah, instead of anyone else. Finally, the last thing that helped the royal couple really hone in on their story with the public is that even before the interview itself, the two were still in the eye of the public, humanizing their situation and making it more understandable for the public.

Getting the Most Out of Instagram

Getting the Most Out of Instagram With a billion global users, including 140 million in the U.S. alone, what isn’t there for marketers to like about Instagram? Glowing comments are always great to see on the brand’s Instagram platform, but trolls and malicious bots can create havoc and unwelcome negativity. Comments on the brand’s profile can’t be disabled but selecting “advanced settings>turn off commenting” can disable specific posts. To view archived posts, go to “profile”, “menu,” and “archive,” and to repost any, hit “show on profile.

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