Jordan Karch

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Mom: adoptive, foster, bio Disney | Theme parks | Magic Life • Kids • Reviews 📍Northern California ⭐️DM for collabs 💌

Member Since AUGUST 25, 2020
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Part 2 of the day I met my daughter, our first day of placement 🥹 sharing for #nationalfostercaremonth with fosterthefamilyblog #fostermom #adoption #fostercare

Part 1 of the day I met my daughter, our first day of placement 🥹 sharing for #nationalfostercaremonth with fosterthefamilyblog #fostermom #adoption #fostercare

There is a lot I could share about trauma and the way it’s affected our kids and our whole family…but there is a whole lot I don’t share here… and the things about my kid’s bio parents and their history before they came to us are things I won’t share. The best advice I could give is get on your knees and pray- pray for wisdom, healing, and patience. Get professional help and have a good, supportive community around your kids. If you don’t have one, find one…you’re gonna need it! Even if your foster kids come straight to you after they’re born, they’re going to have trauma. Trauma from in the womb, trauma from the stress their bio moms might have endured, trauma from losing the only voices they had heard and known for 9 months, trauma from substances they were exposed to. Look into secondary trauma and know that you will be affected by the things you’ll go through with these kids. It’s not easy, but they’re worth it. Day 6 of #nationalfostercaremonth with fosterthefamilyblog #fostermom #fosterfamily

Biological family ❤️ It’s been so special that we have been able to contact all of Zoey’s siblings. A couple of them live across the country! One of the hardest parts to me of being a part of foster care is that siblings don’t always end up together. 💔 Zoey has older and younger siblings that came into foster care, but due to being born in different states, they have to stay in that state for the duration of their cases. At the point that they could have moved to be with us, they had been with a family for a year or two and it would be very traumatizing for them to leave the home and family they know. Thankfully, we have been able to be in touch. As she grows older, I will do whatever she would like- more or less contact. I personally find it important to give your adopted children the chance to know their biological family, as long as it’s safe and what they want. I am in touch with both my girl’s biological parents and other family members. This can be a pretty heated topic in the adoption community, but it’s been a great choice for us! Happy to answer any questions you have about this. Day 5 promopt by fosterthefamilyblog #nationalfostercaremonth #foster #fosreom

I rewrote what I wanted to say for day 4- the system, many times. I could go on some rants. But the last thing I want to do is discourage someone from becoming a foster parent or getting involved. It really is worth all that stress that you might have to take on, for the sake of these kids. fosterthefamilyblog prompts for #nationalfostercaremonth #fostermom #abrokensystem #fostercare

Seeing the smile on Zoey’s face when I told her she had a package to unbox 🥹🥹 sooo excited to be back at this! if you’re a company wanting to send us PR, dm me!!! Were your girls 👯‍♀️🩷 Thank you fingerlings for gifting us this fun package!! We have been having so much fun talking to this cute little birdie 🩷 #sweettweets (gifted/PR)

Do you have any connection to foster care? There are all kinds of people doing this challenge - bio parents, foster parents, former foster youth, social workers - we hope you will learn more and be inspired to advocate, share, or get involved yourself! #fostercare #fostermom #fosterfamily #adoption #nationalfostercaremonth fosterthefamilyblog

Not always how I wanted or thought it should go, but He has blessed us time and time again. Given a healthy, full life to our two medically fragile foster daughters who are now our forever daughters. Given us our bio son at a time when we werent financially stable and had no medical insurance, but then opened doors to get us ok financially, debt free, and in a place where I could stay home with him. When it seemed like our dream farm home and property was about to be sold to someone else, it was offered to us and somehow we got the loan to do it. I was on my knees as a kid wondering if God was listening as i prayed for a family like the one I have now. He’s listening, so even if you think youre no good at talking to Him, keep praying 🩷 #prayer #Godisgoodallthetime

Because of her, I am very aware of autism. Because of her, I know how different life can look when you have a special needs child. Because of her, I pray for a more inclusive world. Because of her, I celebrate every little milestone. Because of her, I worry for the future. Because of her, I am determined to be the best I can be and have to prioritize my wellness spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. Because of her, I see joy in things I never would have. Because of her, I understand struggles I’ve never known. Because of her, I celebrate autism awareness day and I know awareness isn’t enough. But it’s a start. #autismawareness #worldautismday #autismacceptance #autistic #autismmom

Feeling so grateful for every blessing God has given us- His gift of Salvation, promise of life after death, these precious children He entrusted to us, a marriage full of love and joy, our home that we can share with our extended family on holidays. Even on my not good days, I am filled with love and hope for the future. I have so much peace knowing that God has a place for each of us in heaven and that He is my King who rose from the grave. He is alive! I hope you know you can have His gift of salvation too. That’s something I love to celebrate! Happy Easter! 💜 #resurrectionsunday

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