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How To Break Up With Someone You Live With, From Relationship Experts

The decision to move on from a relationship like this should not be made impulsively, nor communicated to one's partner without really thinking it through first," clinical psychologist Nicole Beurkens, Ph. D., explains to mbg. Or, maybe you've realized you got lost in the potential of the relationship, when the reality is quite the opposite. If you haven't brought up concerns to your partner, that's definitely something you should do first before jumping to a breakup, according to Beurkens, for the sake of you and your partner. She also notes it's never a bad idea to speak with others (family and friends, or a relationship professional) about your feelings and options to find clarity.

Is Cuffing Season A Real Thing? 5 Things Experts Want You To Know

Cuffing" is a term based on the idea of getting "handcuffed" or tied down to one partner. Relationships formed during so-called "cuffing season" are usually short-term in nature and end once spring rolls around. The cold weather simply encourages people to look for a more steady and consistent partner to spend time with until the warmer seasons return, psychoanalyst Babita Spinelli, L. P. explains. According to certified sex therapist Holly Richmond, Ph. D., LMFT, CST, cuffing can be as simple as consistently hooking up with someone you know isn't going to be a long-term partner, sometimes even "going below what your typical standards might be in the summer.

Were You Raised By A Narcissist? 15 Signs + How It Can Affect You In Adulthood

After gaining a better understanding of narcissism and doing the work to heal from your own wounds, it's important to keep a few things in mind to break the cycle and avoid that legacy of narcissism, which Behary mentioned. There is a stage of child development called separation-individuation during the first three years of life," Hollman writes in her book Are You Living With a Narcissist? This is when the child must work out his need to feel close to an admiring mother while also developing a healthy separation where he can tolerate that he is not omnipotent and grandiose." At the same time, it's important for parents to set limits--especially if they're worried about raising a future narcissist.

This Nightly Trick May Help Relieve Foot Odor + 4 Other Benefits

Another type of overgrowth may result in odor: Fungal overgrowth is actually the cause of tinea pedis, or what's commonly called athlete's foot. In the case of athlete's foot, these fungi thrive in wet, warm conditions like your feet after being tucked into socks and shoes all day or after a workout. But as functional medicine practitioner Will Cole, D.C., IFMCP, explains, "Apple cider vinegar has also been shown to have antiviral, anti-yeast and antifungal benefits, all helpful in supporting your microbiome balance. In a 2018 study, scientists found that the vinegar can inhibit growth of C. albicans in a petri dish.

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