Vineta Jackson

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Vineta Jackson is the writer behind The Handyman's Daughter, a website featuring DIY projects, handy tips and woodworking plans. She's a self-proclaimed home improvement addict and amateur woodworker who loves to share her ideas and tutorials with readers.

Vineta inherited her handy skills from her father, who transformed a half-finished house into a beautiful home for his family. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, and Vineta isn't afraid to tackle home improvement and woodworking projects big and small. Her readers appreciate learning how to achieve the same results in their own homes, with recommended products that make the job easier.

Location Seattle, WA Pacific Northwest
Country United States of America
Member Since JULY 20, 2018
Social Audience 311K
  • Home & Garden
  • Home Improvement
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Games and Puzzles
DIY Mini Greenhouse for Your Deck or Patio

These are a great alternative if you don't have a table saw or don't feel comfortable using a circular saw to cut the cleats! Circular saw, miter saw or miter box Before you begin, don't forget to download the DIY greenhouse plans! Use a brad nailer and 1 ¼" brad nails, or a drill with 1 ¼" exterior wood screws, to attach the cleat to the side. Use exterior wood glue and 2 ½" exterior pocket hole screws to secure the cleat pieces to the uprights.

How to Choose the Right Sandpaper Grit

Low grit sandpaper will leave scratches in the surface that will be polished away by higher grits. Go over the surface again with 80 grit sandpaper to bring the rest of the surface down to the low spot. For sanding raw wood before painting, start at a low sanding grit, 80-100, and work your way up to 220 grit. Just give it a quick sanding with 320 or 400 grit sandpaper to smooth it out, then remove the dust and apply subsequent coats.

How to Install Drip Irrigation in Your Garden

You would need a huge garden with hundreds of plants in order to use the same amount of drip irrigation water as a single sprinkler! If you decide to convert an area of lawn into a garden bed, or add a huge drift of flowers in a section of the garden that doesn't have a sprinkler, you're stuck watering by hand every few days. Draw a diagram of your yard or garden, and indicate where the faucets, plants, shrubs and trees are located. ½" tubing will carry more water volume to the far reaches of the garden beds. I plan to run one line of ½" unperforated tubing along each bed, with ¼" micro tubing junctions to direct water to each plant.

How to Prune Japanese Maple Trees

Spring is the perfect time to prune Japanese maple trees, before the buds break into leaves. With the leaves out of the way, you're able to see the shape of the tree itself and guide it into the look you want in summer. To keep the form of a weeping Japanese maple tree, you should prune branches that cross the midline of the tree. I hope these tips will help you prune your Japanese maple tree with confidence!

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