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Meet Renee, the personality behind the blog Love, Renee Hannah. While LRH is a lifestyle blog by definition, Renee loves connecting with readers by sharing life stories, what inspires her, and motivational advice. Starting in 2017, she launched a body positivity campaign called Styled by Confidence, that aims to empower women and teach them confidence through fashion. Renee often shares food and drink recipes, home decor ideas, and most recently, travel guides. She is a voracious reader, a lover of all animals, loves the color pink, and enjoys a good cocktail. Our Mission Statement The goal of Love, Renee Hannah is to inspire women and teach them how to find their own personal style, to curate an impeccable wardrobe, and to show them how to find the beauty in themselves and everything around them.

Location Massachusetts
Member Since FEBRUARY 01, 2019
Social Audience 18K Last Month
  • Moz DA 15

This member has not connected a professional Instagram account.

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Lemon Basil Gin and Tonic

The gin and tonic is one of the most classic cocktails to ever grace this earth, and the addition of basil and lemon creates a wonderfully refreshing drink for lazy afternoons.

The Girls in the Garden by Lisa Jewell

On a midsummer night, as a festive neighborhood party is taking place, preteen Pip discovers her thirteen-year-old sister Grace lying unconscious and bloody in a hidden corner of a lush rose garden. I had the pleasure of reading The Girls in the Garden by Lisa Jewell several months ago but haven’t had the time to write a review until now. While not the best novel I’ve ever read, Jewell’s book was thoroughly entertaining, if a bit of a slow read. Years of lies and jealously begin to bubble to the surface until it culminates into a night ending with Grace’s unconscious and bloody body in the rosebushes.

White Tea and Muddled Basil Mojito

Freshly brewed white tea, sweet honey and rum muddled with mint and basil, this deliciously refreshing mojito is the perfect way to usher in the spring. I could not be more obsessed with this white tea and muddled basil mojito! It has a fresh-from-the-garden taste and a strong kick of citrus, which I love. Honey replaces sugar as the sweetener to this cocktail, which is great to kick back with this weekend.

Grocery Shop Like a French Woman

Buy Little, More Often French women prefer to shop more often, and buy less, as French refrigerators are not as big as American ones, and are used to store fresh foods only. A lot of foods purchased in bulk – especially fresh foods – do not get consumed and often go to waste. Moat markets in France are outdoors and a lot of French women like to shop there, to get both fresh food and to support her community. Finding better substitutes for your favorite foods is a great way to be healthier, and you can portion them out ahead of time into airtight containers or baggies to prevent mindless snacking.

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