Chantal Bechervaise

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Chantal is originally from Montreal, Quebec but now resides in the Outaouais region and works in Ottawa. Her passion and enthusiasm for everything to do with the Human Resources, Workplace Culture, Engagement, Leadership, and Social Media is contagious. Just spend 5 minutes speaking with her and you will feel ready to conquer something new.

Chantal is a life long learner with a strong thirst for knowledge. She has experience working in the private, non-profit and public sector. She blogs about everything related to the World of Work including HR, Workplace Culture, Leadership, Social Media, and Technology.

Member Since DECEMBER 18, 2019
Social Audience 28K
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  • Computing
Growing Cannabis For Medical Use

Normal cannabis requires 24 hours of light to grow and 12 hour light cycle to flower, autoflowering plants flower with 24 hours light which means faster flowering. Cannabis plants come in male and female varieties, but only the female plants produce the buds that yield high amounts. Please do be aware though that female plants can sprout male plants if they are under stress, so keep your plants in a low stress environment. During the light period that you plant will need, the more light the better they will grow if you cover your walls and ceilings with a reflective material that will help the light and speed up the growing time.

6 Interesting Benefits of TikTok Marketing for Brand Enhancement

If you’re a brand looking to increase your brand enhancement, you can TikTok and promote your products and services differently. On branded hashtag challenge, marketers ask users to create or recreate their own videos and post them with a velvet hashtag. It is a full screen ads format that appears on the screen when the users open the app. According to the research, 90% of users access this app multiple times per day, and the users spend an average of 54 minutes per day on TikTok.

Seven Steps to Ensuring and Improving Safety in the Workplace

Making sure that your employees feel safe and protected in the workplace is the key to running a successful business. Not only will a healthy work-life balance be better for your business, but it will allow your employees to feel valued and cared for. For example, you can’t expect a police officer to feel safe at work without their vest carrier. If you don’t take all of the necessary measures to improve safety levels in the workplace, you could find yourself with a horrific accident on your hands.

What Could SaaS Bring To Your Online Business?

The inclusion of SaaS software in businesses can provide a wide range of advantages. At present, several services are there to help newcomers in internet businesses to get SaaS software at reliable price rates. Decreasing the complexity of work in managing businesses is one of the main advantages of preparing SaaS software in the business field. The user-friendly operation of SaaS software had made the program one of the most-chosen options by students and professionals across the world.

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