JP Robinson

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I began writing as a teen and gained experience in the marketing field doing promotional work for multi-million dollar medical facilities and non-profit groups. I'm an international speaker, educator, and prolific author of both fiction and non-fiction. I also conduct writing seminars in various parts of the country and head Logos Publications, LLC, an emerging publishing and book marketing team. When I'm not pumping out a new book or speaking to crowds, I love spending time with my wonderful wife and kids.

Member Since JULY 15, 2019
Social Audience 1K
  • Books and Literature
  • Movies
  • Religion & Spirituality
  • Christianity
The Messiah (Post 1)

we’re going to try to look at the incredible events that characterized the Lord Jesus’ final week of ministry in “real-time. Instead, let us align the realities of our world with the Word of God and go forward to fulfill what God has called us to do in Christ’s name. We’re right behind Peter when we pass the fig tree that Jesus cursed just yesterday. If He had the Spirit without measure and it took time for His word to materialize, we shouldn’t be discouraged when our confession of His Word in faith takes time to materialize for we have just a portion of His spirit.

Radical Devotions #3

Just as only the person wearing the headphones can hear the music, so can only those who are connected to God hear His voice. To hear God’s voice, we as individuals must tune out all other voices (just like your student probably wasn’t paying attention to you or others around) To see God’s promises at work in our lives, all obstacles, doubts, and past failures all have to be “tuned out” Rev. 3:20 is often applied to the sinner but a quick reading of the chapter shows that this chapter is actually addressed to the church.

5 ways Christian fiction can strengthen your marriage

Whether or not the characters in your book are like your spouse, the truth is you’re learning to think outside your own frameworks which can, in turn, deepen your understanding of your spouse. Whether or not the characters were real people, the truth is that well-written fictional characters are always real simply because they’re just like you and me. CF presents spiritual messages that are relevant to your present or future situations True Christian fiction ultimately points readers to God as the answer to life’s problems. Well-written Christian fiction takes the biblical principles and teaches us coping strategies through the character’s natural and spiritual growth.

Read the Bible with JP

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. God still divides the light from the darkness in our life. We’re required to make that separation using His Word to discern what is good from what is evil. Needless to say, this causes conflict in a world that continuously mixes the two and has no true moral compass.

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