Rachel Mitchell

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⭐️ Maternity & Pediatric Sleep Specialist ⭐️ Responsive and instinct based approach ⭐️ Founder of sleep profiles ⭐️ Mom of 7 ⭐️ 1:1 sessions + classes

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Have you ever wondered how the warmth of the summer months can affect your baby’s sleep? With the sun shining brighter and the days getting longer, it’s crucial to adjust how we dress our little ones to ensure they’re not only comfortable but also sleeping soundly. ☀️ As temperatures rise, so does the challenge of keeping your baby cool and comfortable throughout the night and during naps. Dressing your baby appropriately for the warmer months is more than just a matter of comfort, it’s a key component of healthy sleep habits. 😎 Light, breathable fabrics are your best friends during this time. Opt for materials like light cotton or bamboo, which allow air to circulate and prevent your baby from overheating. All your baby needs is a light swaddle or sleep sack and a short sleeve onesie. 🥵 Remember, overheating can disrupt your baby’s sleep and, more importantly, poses a risk to their health. But how do you know if your baby is too hot or too cold? A good rule of thumb is to check the back of their neck or their tummy to gauge if they’re overheating or just right.  Creating a cozy sleep environment also plays a pivotal role in how well your baby sleeps. A room that’s too warm can make sleep elusive, so consider a fan or an air conditioner set to a comfortable temperature. Curious what we dress our kiddos in for sleep in the summer?? Comment *warm* below and I’ll send you a guide with our favorite options! #BabySleep #ParentingTips #summersafety#sleepwear#safesleep#sweetsleep#sleepybaby

This Mother’s Day I have had the opportunity to deeply reflect on the gift that is motherhood When I became a mother 13 years ago my life forever changed the moment I laid eyes on my baby. I never knew a love like that existed. Little did I know that it would only get better. Motherhood has truly been the greatest honor and blessing. Motherhood has taught me patience, perseverance, love, grace, simplicity, and so many other lessons This Mother’s Day, I pray that you know how important your role is, even when you don’t feel appreciated. How loved you are even if you don’t hear it enough How influential you are in your children’s lives even when they go their own way You are doing SUCH important work as a mother, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. I hope and pray that you are celebrated and loved today and all the days to come! Happy Mother’s Day mamas 💕 I also want to recognize that to the women longing to be mothers, I know your pain. It was only after four losses and six years of secondary infertility that I was able to welcome my second child here I pray that you know you are not unseen or alone in your pain ❤️ #mothersday#motherhoodod#stepmom#bonusmom#blendedfamily#momlife#motherslove

Sleep during pregnancy can feel like a distant dream, but it’s more important than ever. Developing a bedtime routine isn’t just for babies. It signals to your body that it’s time to wind down. Consider incorporating calming activities like sipping on non-caffeinated tea, indulging in a good book, or taking a warm shower. These simple steps can make a world of difference in preparing you for a restful night. 👉🏼Listening to your body’s natural sleepy cues is crucial. You might find yourself needing to sleep as early as 7:30pm. Remember, growing a life is hard work, and your body knows best when it needs rest. 👉🏼Napping isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity during pregnancy. A short nap in the early afternoon can significantly improve your nighttime sleep quality. If you’re struggling to get enough sleep at night, give yourself permission to recharge with a daytime siesta. 👉🏼Hydration and light exercise are your allies in improving sleep quality. However, to minimize nighttime bathroom trips, try to limit fluids after 7 pm. Gentle exercises can also alleviate common pregnancy discomforts like leg cramps and restless legs syndrome, making it easier to find a comfortable sleeping position. 👉🏼Nutrition plays a pivotal role in how well you sleep. A balanced diet and prenatal vitamins are key, but also consider avoiding foods that might trigger heartburn or nausea. Small, frequent meals can help keep nausea at bay, and certain “morning sickness candies” like Tummydrops or Preggie Pops can offer instant relief. 👉🏼Lastly, getting comfortable is essential. Pregnancy pillows can be a game-changer in finding that perfect sleeping position. Whether it’s between your legs, behind your back, or under your belly, the right support can make all the difference. 💕 We’d love to hear from you. What strategies have you found helpful for sleeping better during pregnancy? Share your tips or questions below, and let’s support each other in this journey. ⬇️ #PregnancySleep #MaternityHealth #SleepConsulting

Meet Annabelle Katherine 💕 Born at home on May 5th at 610am, weighing in at a whopping 9lbs! My heart is completely overflowing and we are all totally smitten 🥰 Her birth was an incredible experience which I can’t wait to share soon. For now we are soaking up all the newborn snuggles ❤️ God is so good 🙏🏻 #newborn#birthannouncement#maybaby#homebirth#birthexperience#momofseven#bigfamily#newbornsnuggles#4thtrimester

✨Do you need an idea for a mother in your life (or yourself 😉) for Mother’s Day? Our team got together and came up with some ideas that we thought were great ideas for Mother’s Day gifts! Let us know in the comments which of these gifts you would value receiving the most OR another idea you could add to this list! ⬇️ . . . #mothers #mothersday #mothersdaygift #mothersdaygifts #mothersdaygiftideas #mom #momma #moma #momlife #momstyle #momsofinstagram #momssupportingmoms #women #womensupportingwomen #girlpower #babysleep

It can be hard to know if your child’s sleep disruptions are actually being caused by teething. And while teething CAN cause sleep disruptions due to pain and discomfort and increased irritability in babies, how do parents know if teething is actually the culprit?  Well, there are a couple things to consider:  1 Babies generally don’t begin teething until about 6 months of age. Of course there are some exceptions to this, but that is a good rule of thumb to remember. So if you have a 3 month old for example, there is likely something else going on.  2 Generally, we can give teething too much credit. While teething may temporarily affect your baby’s sleep, it shouldn’t completely derail their sleep habits. If this is happening, then it’s likely a foundational issue. Make sure all sleep foundations (environment, routines, nutrition and schedule) are in place and then see if your child’s sleep improves from there on its own!  If you truly feel teething is the cause of your child’s sleep issues you can also reach out to your pediatrician for recommendations on pain management!  Are you concerned that teething is highly impacting your child’s sleep? Comment teething below and I’ll send you a helpful article! #teethingbaby#teething#babyteether#babysleeptips#babysleepconsultant#sleepybaby#tiredmama

✨Is there anything worse than having a sick kiddo? This is possibly one of the worst feelings as a parent. But what’s even harder is when that sickness disrupts sleep. While that is often inevitable, here are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that your child can recover and heal quickly during sickness. 1. Sleep takes priority over schedule. If you need to let that nap go a little longer than normal, that is completely fine. The only thing to keep in mind is making sure your little one isn’t going too terribly long in between feedings for their nutrition but also for them to stay hydrated. We recommend not going over 3.5-4 hours in between feedings. 2. Extra snuggles and comfort are needed. If your child is sick, this is not the time to be working on independent sleep. And while you do not have to completely abandon your routines and/or how you are getting your child to sleep, remember extra snuggles and comfort is needed during this time and you can get right back on “track” once they are better. 3. Make sure your child is hydrated. Just as we mentioned above, it may be necessary to wake your child up from a nap to make sure they do not miss a feeding and stay hydrated! Of course if you are concerned about your child’s health, please check with your pediatrician! For our go to products to help when your kiddo is sick comment sick and I’ll send you our recommendations! #sickness #sick #sickkids #feelbetter #routine #schedule #babysleep #babysleeptips #sleep #toddlersleep #babysleephelp #babyfever

One thing that can make parents anxious is when they get into a good routine with their child’s sleep and then something seems to come along and derail the solid rhythm they have created. Here are five things that may disrupt your child’s normal sleep rhythm and routine - 1. Teething - This can cause increased pain and discomfort, increased irritability, changes in your child’s appetite and teething can even cause slight ear pain. Providing cool teething toys and speaking to your pediatrician about pain management can help. 2. Sickness - Sickness can disrupt sleep by causing a fever, sore throat and/or congestion. Congestion in particular can cause difficulty breathing for little ones and therefore cause more wake ups. Using a humidifier in your child’s room and making sure they stay hydrated can help. 3. Travel - Travel can cause disruptions in your child’s normal routines and schedules and this therefore can cause a disruption in their sleep. When traveling, try to recreate your child’s sleep environment the best that you possibly can and stick to regular routines and schedules when you are able. 4. Big Family/Life Changes - Family changes, whether positive or negative, can cause sleep disruptions for children due to the emotional impact and changes in routine. Always provide your child reassurance, consistency and support through the big family/life changes. Maintain stable routines and address any concerns or fears they may have. 5. Regressions/Progressions - When children are developing and growing this can cause disruptions in their sleep. For example, if your baby is learning to roll over, they may wake themselves up as they are trying to learn how to roll back over to their back. The same can be said for babies learning to crawl, stand up or walk. Plenty of practice during the day can help with this! And while it can be frustrating for us when our child’s sleep is disrupted, just know if you have solid sleep foundations in place, you should be able to move through these disruptors and get right back on track with your child’s sleep! . . . #sleep #babysleep #babysleeptips #babysleephelp #momsupportingmoms #mom #momlife #sleep #teething

Do you ever feel like you are laying down a ticking time bomb when laying your sleeping baby in their crib? 💣 It’s the most stressful 5 seconds of my life waiting to see if she is going to wake up! 😂 Can you relate?? If so, try these tips and tricks to help! 1️⃣ Wait 10-15 minutes after baby falls asleep in your arms so that they are in a deeper sleep when you try to move them. 2️⃣ When you are laying them down, hold them close and right to your chest and lay baby down but first, then back, and then their head. 3️⃣ Once you lay them down, immediately place your hand on their chest and hold light pressure there for a few seconds. 4️⃣ If they begin to stir, begin light swaying them back and forth in the crib and shhh them. Pop their paci in or try to help them find their hands to suck on. If you have repeated this process a couple times and it’s still not working, just hold baby for their nap or get them up and try again in 30 mins or so! Give these tricks a try and let us know if they help! #naptime #naptimefail #tiredbaby #tiredmommy #tiredmom #momreels #funnyreels #newborn #baby #sleepingbaby #sleepy #sleepyhead #parenting #gentlesleepcoach #crib #nursery #baby #babysleep #babysleeptips

☀️ There are many great benefits to having a consistent wake up time and bedtime for your child. This allows for some predictability in your day-to-day schedule which we know can be very helpful as a parent. There are also some other great benefits to consistently waking your child up at the same time every day and putting them to bed at the same time every night such as: 👉🏼Regulating sleep-wake cycles: Children thrive on routine, and a consistent wake up time and bedtime each day helps regulate their internal body clock, known as the circadian rhythm. This consistency reinforces their natural sleep-wake cycles, making it easier for them to fall asleep and wake up at the same time everyday. 👉🏼Optimizing sleep quality: Quality sleep is essential for children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development. A consistent bedtime ensures that children get the recommended amount of sleep for their age, which is vital for growth, learning, and overall well-being. 👉🏼 Supporting parental well-being: Knowing when your child will wake up in the morning and go to bed at night allows you to plan your mornings and your evenings, and schedule time for yourself. This predictability can reduce stress and allow you to fill your cup with some “me time” before your kids wake up in the morning and before you go to bed yourself. Does your child or children have consistent wake up times in the morning and bedtimes in the evening? Share why this works for your family in the comments below! ⬇️ . . . #sleep #babysleep #babysleeptips #toddler #baby #babies #babiesofinstagram #helpmybabysleep #toddlersleephelp #toddlersleeptips #bedtime #wakeup #sleepconsultant #sleepcoach #pediatrics #pediatricsleep

Baby sleep can feel like one big complex puzzle and sometimes it can be hard to know whether or not you should offer your baby one more nap or push bedtime up earlier. If you have ever found yourself in this situation, swipe left to learn more and take these tips into consideration next time you are in this position! Want more details about how to determine the right bedtime for your baby?? Comment bedtime below for a helpful article on this! . . . #babysleep #naptime #nap #naps #bedtime #bedtimeroutine #bedtimestruggles #earlybedtime #helpmybabysleep #babysleeptips

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