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🌎 Budget Traveler|Discover Hidden Gems 🏠 I'm from Taiwan 🇹🇼 ♥️"Travel the world with reasonable budget" 用合理的預算環遊世界✈️

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[Giveaway 抽獎時間] 在美國疫情暫時還看不到盡頭的黑暗時刻,有台灣家鄉味的零食真的好感人🥲 感謝 @myhuo_official 邀請合作!寄來這麽多美國買不到(或超難買)的食物們~這張照片就是想表達一個行李箱也蓋不起來的滿足感哈哈哈哈😂 #亞洲美食美妝 除了各種台灣美食,其實也有日韓美妝,雖然有些美國也買得到但價格差蠻多的,所以如果住歐美的亞洲妹子,平時有用習慣的日韓台保養美妝品也可以參考! #代寫賀卡 另外它們有提到若你想送禮,竟然有代寫賀卡的服務XD,很適合在台灣的友人想送些美食慰勞你在美國的朋友哈哈哈~ #我的開箱 這次我買超多在這很難買到(或買不到)的零食面膜等等,有 #鴨血 (這我超期待,雖然是我沒吃過的品牌)、#詹麵 、#我的美麗日記 面膜(以前在台灣很愛用,這裡都沒看過)、還有 #金牛角 等等,如果想看我買什麼可以點我首頁連結🔗 #運費 全館滿$99無運費,運送時間一般是一週到十天,我自己大概兩週才收到,因為遇到台灣12月底爆發本土疫情,他們倉庫關起來全面消毒,所以這一點延遲換來安全我覺得很放心~ #關稅補助方案 簡單來說是一個買保險的概念,只要下訂時付NT300,則被扣的所有關稅可以跟客服拿回來,這部分大家自行斟酌不一定要加購,看你覺得買的東西有沒有被扣關稅的可能來決定! #抽獎辦法 1️⃣ 同時發摟 @wen_the_travel_begins 和 @myhuo_official 2️⃣ 在底下tag一位朋友並留言你最喜歡的台灣零食 3️⃣ 會在美國西岸時間 1/20 9:00 pm 抽出五位得獎者贈送一人$20購物金 #其他好康 📌 台灣時間1/21凌晨 ~ 1/31中午12點,Myhuo網10年來最大折扣,全館82折 📌 使用這個連結註冊直接先拿到 $3.5美金(台幣100)的購物金 👉🏼 https://www.myhuo.net/recommend/85nn491q62 (覺得IG點連結不方便可以私訊我) 所以最優惠的方式就是來參加抽獎,再用以上連結註冊,這樣最多可以拿到$23.5購物金加上全館82折,新年買好買滿哈哈~ 有什麼問題也歡迎留言詢問~ 真心很開心不用麻煩家人,也能在美國買到這些台灣味,也分享給一起在美國努力抗疫的同胞們哈哈哈☺️ —————— Thanks @myhuo_official for sending me all these Taiwanese food. I am so happy especially during this tough time and I miss home so much! If you live in the US and would love to get some Taiwanese food or even Japanese and Korean food or makeup, check out their official website. There’s no delivery fee if you buy over $99, which is very easy to achieve 😂 I am partnering with @myhuo_official to give away $20 credits to 5 winners. It’s super easy to enter - 1️⃣ Follow @wen_the_travel_begins and @myhuo_official 2️⃣ Tag a friend in a comment and let me know what’s your favorite Taiwanese snacks 3️⃣ The 5 winners would be announced on 1/20 9:00 pm PST Here are also some additional good news: 📌 18% off sitewide sale from 1/21 00:00 to 1/31 12:00 Taiwan time 📌 Use the following link to sign up and get $3.5(NTD100) credits 👉🏼 https://www.myhuo.net/recommend/85nn491q62 (Feel free to dm me for the link because it’s not clickable here) Let me know if you have any questions! I am just so excited to share this good news to my friends and followers who love Taiwanese food!

Colorful houses, soft sand and beautiful beach - perfect way to spend the weekend ! It’s a hidden gem near Santa Cruz beach. Less crowded alternative for beach getaway. 🏖 超可愛海邊, 有一整排彩色的房子🏠, 是真的有人住在裡面, 也有些度假小屋可以租! 在海邊散散步看彩色小屋好療癒~

[中文👇]Finally come up my 2021 resolution - 1. Stay healthy - exercise at least 2 times a week and drink less alcohol 😅 2. Learn new language - I’m thinking Korean or Spanish? 3. Improve professional skills - read more books and take online courses. 4. Create more shareable content - provide useful travel tips or safe destinations during COVID. Make @wen_the_travel_begins more valuable ❤️ Leave the comments below and let me know what’s your new year resolution? I would love to know! 終於想好了我的2021 #新年新希望 👇 1. 健康 - 尤其經過了2020更覺得沒有任何比健康重要的事了,之後希望一週至少運動2次,然後少喝酒🤣 2. 學新語言 - 目前還在考慮要韓文還是西班牙文🧐 3. 增進自己專業技能 - 多看書跟線上課程來充實自己~ 4.創造更多有價值的內容 - 像是提供省錢的旅遊方式、在COVID 期間相對安全的目的地等等,讓 @wen_the_travel_begins 這個品牌更有價值! 你有什麼新年新希望嗎? 歡迎留言分享, 我也好想看看大家的!

[中文👇]Have you heard of Area 51? It’s a highly classified United States Air Force facility located within Nevada. However, it’s known for the alien fans that it’s the area heavily guarded underground lab where the government keeps and studies alien aircraft- and possibly even aliens themselves. I don’t know if it’s true or not. 🤣 But it’s a fun experience to explore this Area 51 alien center. They have many interesting alien souvenirs here. If you are an alien fan, definitely make a stop here. If you are not an alien fan, it’s still a good spot to take a rest before you head to Death Valley National Park. Check my stories for what’s look like inside! 你有聽過51區嗎? 這是美國機密的空軍軍事基地, 但一般人聽過應該是因為外星人吧🤣 之前就很常聽到一些傳言說這裡有外星人出沒, 也是美國政府偷偷研究外星人的地方👽, 雖然不知道是真是假, 不過剛好有機會經過附近, 還是要來看看51區外星人紀念中心~, 賣超多外星人相關紀念品, 也有餐廳廁所等等, 除了外星迷會覺得有趣好玩外, 也是進入死亡谷國家公園前很適合暫停休息的場所! 可以看我限動有更多內部照喔!

[中文👇]Koziar’s Christmas Village is one of the most amazing Christmas destination you can visit in the US. It’s in Pennsylvania and only open in November and December. Just 2.5 hours drive from New York City. There are so many stunning Christmas decorations and you can really feel the holiday spirit in the air. It’s so good to see all these amazing lights while enjoying my hot chocolate. Did you know this place before? Would you love to visit here? 位在賓州的聖誕老人村, 是全美最有聖誕氣氛的地方之一, 園區內的裝飾又誇張又美, 邊喝熱可可邊逛真的很有氣氛~ 只是也很冷就是😆 大家有聽過美國也有聖誕村嗎? 如果未來剛好有機會聖誕節在美東玩的, 可以來拜訪看看! 離紐約差不多2.5小時車程~

[中文👇]Wine and cheese pairing, hot springs and stunning vineyard view 👉 perfect combination for a winter getaway! Do you agree? River Oaks Hot Springs Spa is in Paso Robles, which is a California town famous for their wine and hot spring. We booked the “sip and soak” package, it’s $65/person for 90 mins experience. You got a bath powder, 5 tasting wine from 5 different local wineries and a cheese plate. Also, you’ll be guaranteed to have a vineyard view tub. Overall it’s an amazing experience. However, since the cheese plate is not too impressive and not everyone can drink various wine in 90 mins, my recommendation would be just book their regular one hour mineral hot spring package and order whatever drink you like. It’s just cost around $30 ~ $50. (The price is slightly higher during the weekend) Do you like hot springs? What’s your best hot springs experience? 冬天邊泡溫泉邊喝紅酒真的是最棒的享受了! 位於加州中部的Paso Robles本來就是以溫泉和葡萄酒莊著名, 這次選擇 River Oaks Hot Springs Spa來泡泡看, 我們事先預訂了 “sip and soak”的方案(但我覺得不用訂這個😆,原因下面會說), 方案為一人$65可以泡90分鐘, 附上泡澡粉、起司拼盤、五小杯當地葡萄酒, 還有保證會有葡萄園的景色, 整體泡起來真的很舒適, 黃昏來泡不但可以看夕陽, 起來時也不至於太冷或太熱! 但真心覺得大家不用特別訂這方案🤣, 因為酒真的蠻多喝不太完哈哈, (尤其你另一半是司機所以你要喝兩倍量), 加上起司拼盤不太好吃~ 所以大家可以預約一般方案, 再單點一杯自己喜歡的酒就可以, 這樣一人差不多$30 - $50(根據你點的酒跟週末平日價格不同有所起伏), 不管怎樣都比較便宜啦! 等疫情結束有機會來加州中部, 很推薦這間給大家!

Cheers to start the new week🍷

[中文😭]Do you think it’s in Japan or San Francisco? This Japanese tea garden is inside the Golden Gate Park. Only 15 mins drive from downtown SF. Quite amazing right? We enjoyed our afternoon tea - Hojicha + Matcha pudding + Green tea mochi🍡 Everything was so good and authentic! The entrance fee is $10 and it took around 1 hour to visit the whole garden. It’s a nice way to visit Japan without actually flying 🤣 猜猜這在日本還是舊金山?🤣 這個日本花園其實就位於舊金山金門公園內, 離市區只要15分鐘車程~ 入場需要$10, 裡面有一個日本茶店, 可以買到很多超日式的食物, 我們點了焙茶、抹茶布丁和綠茶凍都超好吃的! 也有賣正餐, 像是烏龍麵、豬排飯之類~ 整個園區晃晃大概一小時, 算是不能出國的小確幸啦! 真的好想去日本喔! 不知道下次去是什麼時候了😞

[中文👇]Carmel-by-the-sea is the most beautiful town in California! (at least in my opinion 😆) This town is very European vibe! Every storefront has its own cute design. Recommended places to visit here - 🥘 Dametra Cafe 🥘 La Bicyclette 🥘 Casanova ☕️ Stationary ☕️ The Cheese Shop 🍷 Albatross Ridge Tasting Room 🍷 Caraccioli Cellars 🏨 La Playa Hotel There are also many other great wineries, galleries and restaurants to explore. Save this post for your future visit! Carmel-by-the-sea是我覺得加州最美的小鎮, 整個小鎮很有歐洲感, 每間店都有自己獨特的裝潢, 走在裡面就像童話世界一般, 有很多獨特的畫廊、品酒的地方、餐廳等等, 上面推薦了一些來可以吃的餐廳或去的小店, 可以把這篇存起來, 下次來北加州玩可以順路來訪🥰

[中文👇]When you travel, do you prefer to stay in an airbnb or a hotel? 🏡 or 🏨 ? If you follow me for a while, you know I mostly choose #airbnb unless I feel there were no good/safe listings in the area I visited. Why I love to use airbnb - 1. It’s better for group travel: you can rent the whole place on airbnb so if you travel with a group of friends or family, you all live together but still have your own private room. 2. Get the most local/authentic tips: in some listings, you would stay with the host. Mostly, they are very friendly and easygoing. They are happy to provide some local guides for your travel or some hidden gems you never find online. 3. Chance to stay in an unique property: You can find many cool/unique stay experience on Airbnb. I had experience staying in a boathouse, treehouse, glamping...etc before. It’s rarely to find special room type from hotels. 4. Good for budget traveller: I know it’s not always the cases, some airbnbs are insanely expensive but gorgeous. However, if you are open to stay whatever room types or don’t mind to share rooms with other people, you can find many cheaper options. Besides the good side I mentioned above, there’re also some bad/unsafe listings on the platform for sure. Therefore, you need to be smart to choose the good one. I’ll share some tips next time. Comment below and let me know which one you like? Hotel or airbnb? 大家旅行時喜歡住飯店還是像airbnb這樣的民宿? 我個人是如果有民宿選擇,就不會選飯店。 除非我們要去的地方比較危險或是找不到適合的民宿~ 我喜歡民宿airbnb的原因有以下幾個: 1. .比較適合團體旅遊 - 住民宿可以包棟,這樣一群朋友或家人出遊就可以住一起,但大家還是有自己的房間~ 2. 可以得到最當地的資訊 - 有些民宿是跟房東一起住,通常大部分的房東都蠻好客的,會跟你分享當地秘密景點、或是只有當地人才知道的資訊 3. 有機會住超酷的房型 - 因為飯店通常設計都比較制式,民宿上卻有很多選擇,之前旅行有住過船屋、樹屋、或是露營車等等,都是在airbnb上面訂的 4. 省錢- 雖然這不一定,有些民宿也是超爆貴但很美~ 不過如果你不介意要住什麼房型、或甚至願意跟人分享衛浴之類,airbnb上也超多便宜的選擇! 不過除了以上的好處外,當然也有些不好或是不安全的民宿,在預定前要非常小心,下次再來跟大家分享我在airbnb上訂房會注意的事,目前是很少踩到雷啦!😎 所以你是喜歡住民宿還是飯店呢? 快留言跟我說~

Spontaneously find this cute spot in Bay Area. Get some afternoon snacks from @satura_cakes_los_altos and enjoy the view of downtown Los Altos! 📍Just search for “200 Main st, Los Altos,” you’ll find all the neighborhoods are as beautiful as the pictures! There are many free parking spots along the street! 意外發現灣區也有很秋的地方😆 離我家開車只要20分鐘! 在Los Altos市區一整排加附近的街區, 都是這種橘橘紅紅的氛圍~ 祝灣區想賞秋的這幾天快來吧! 來這可以順便去很有名的 @satura_cakes_los_altos 蛋糕店吃個下午茶, 再到旁邊餐廳outdoor dining! 度過愜意下午! 📍Google搜尋 “200 Main St, Los Altos”,附近街區隨便停,到處都能看到這美景哦!

[Eng👇] 今天來分享我年初回台灣拜訪的四間台北很喜歡的酒吧: 1️⃣ @fourplaytaipei 雖然網路上說無酒單,但這次去我有看到,點完後會給你一張機票還有行李條,上面寫你點的酒內容物,我覺得超可愛,很像邊喝酒邊環遊世界的感覺!食物聽說也不錯,不過這次去沒機會試到! 2️⃣ @indulgebistro 曾入選過亞洲/世界五十大酒吧,酒的品質不用多說,但最棒的是喜歡他們用很多台灣在地食材入酒,像圖中這杯上面是豆乾😆結果真的很搭哦~以酒來說,是我今天這四家裡最喜歡的! 3️⃣ @intention.__ 以酒來說這間我還好,但真的很喜歡整家店給人的氛圍,很適合跟家人朋友小聚,氣氛很開心~另外食物我覺得很好吃!是那種下班小聚會想去的地方! 4️⃣ @g.o.a.t_taipei 位在牛肉麵店裡的秘密酒吧,酒很好喝,可以感覺出bartender 頗專業!但這最棒的是可以點外面牛肉麵的東西進來吃😆滷味配調酒就特別好吃啊! 大家有沒有你心裡最喜歡的酒吧?快留言讓我知道,下次回台灣通通去一波! Here’s the four bars I love in Taipei, Taiwan. Save this for your future visit - 1️⃣ Fourplay Cuisine Creative cocktail concept - they have a flight ticket for each cocktail and explain what’s in it. It feels like you are traveling the world through the cocktail. I heard they also have delicious food but I didn’t have chance to try last time. 2️⃣ Indulge Experimental Bistro This one is my favorite. They earned the title of The World’s/Asia’s top 50 bars before and I think it’s definitely live up to it’s name. The cocktails were designed with local Taiwan ingredients so you can’t get the same one in any other places in the world. I tried 4 different cocktails and each one was amazing and had it’s own uniqueness. 3️⃣ Intention Honestly I’m not the fan of this place’s cocktail. It’s just on average. But I really enjoy the vibe here. It’s pretty good to gather with friends and family. You can describe your preference of cocktails and they can customize for you. All the staffs were welcoming and food were delicious. Good place to hang out after work. 4️⃣ g.o.a.t by Guru House It’s a speakeasy bar inside a beef noodle restaurant. If you follow me for a while, you know how I am into speakeasy bars. Besides the amazing cocktails, you can also order food from the beef noodle restaurant. Surprisedly, the cocktails and beef noodle matched perfectly. I was quite satisfied by overall food and drinks experience here. What’s your favorite bar in your city? Leave the comment below, I would love to know and hopefully visit them in the near future.

🧋Giveaway 抽獎時間🧋 If you are a bubble tea lover, this is for you! 🎉 As you may know, bubble tea was originally invented in Taiwan. @oktea.tw is a tea brand from Taiwan. They gifted me this amazing kit that you can easily make your own bubble tea at home in just 1 min. The bubble is soft and chewy and you can adjust the sugar level based on your own preference. Want to get one? Follow the instruction below 👇 ——— To Enter: 1) Like this Post 2) Follow @wen_the_travel_begins 3) Tag unlimited friends in separate comments! 1 Comment = 1 Entry 🧋BONUS) Share this post to your Story and Tag me and @oktea.tw for bonus entry! Note - This giveaway is US only sorry.😔 If you really want to try, please check their website (http://www.oktea.tw/). They do have international shipping! I will announce the winner on 11/26! 住美國喜歡喝珍奶的有福啦~ 不知道大家有沒有聽過來自台灣的#歐可茶葉 , 之前看到他們出有珍奶系列即食包就很想試, 但年初來美國前要買時竟然缺貨~ 結果竟然現在收到他們合作邀請真的太快樂😂 最棒的是奶茶可以自己調甜度, 因為我個人都喝無糖這實在太適合我, 珍珠蠻Q的, 如果有些人喜歡軟一點或硬一點, 也可以靠自己微波的時間稍微調整, 完全是一杯可以客製化的珍奶~ 一分鐘就能完成✅ 現在我要來送一盒給大家! 想要的就照著以下步驟來抽獎吧👇 ——— 抽獎辦法: 1) 按讚這篇貼文 2) 追蹤我 @wen_the_travel_begins 3) 在留言區tag朋友(可重複留言,但要標記不同人,一留言=一次抽獎機會) 🧋額外福利 - 如果分享此篇貼文到動態,並tag 我及 @oktea.tw ,可有額外抽獎機會 注意 - 這次抽獎只有美國區抱歉😔 如果你住別的國家但也很想要,可以去他們官網看有寄送到國外喔! 阿如果你住台灣,請直接上pchome或你家巷口隨便都能買到好嗎哈哈哈 得獎人會在11/26公布!

[Eng👇🏼]秋天的擺拍就是要很橘紅, 所以底下其實是我的毛衣大家有發現嗎哈哈哈🤣 整個氣氛是想營造一個秋天午後, 泡杯咖啡聽音樂看書的氛圍, 有成功嗎😅 ———- 【Sudio首次破天荒,雙十一下殺優惠,全館商品上看67折!】 明天就是雙11了! 最近有想要入手耳機的要把握時間囉~ @sudio 這款 Tolv戴起來很舒適, 看書運動用起來無負擔也不會耳朵不舒服, 充一次可以用蠻久的! 使用我的優惠碼 #wen11, 配上最近雙十一官網特價, 這款 Sudio Tolv比原價省了NT1,100, 只有台灣官網限定優惠! (https://www.sudio.com/tw/) 👉【 台灣限定新服務 】為協助官網購買的大家更方便維修與退貨,商品退貨與保固維修均由專人到府收取包裹,維修退貨免付費。 (試營運期間至12/31) California is getting cold recently. It’s the best time to stay at home with the heater on. Grab a book and coffee, and listen to the music with the cute @sudio earphones! #sudio雙11 #sudio #sudiotw #shapingsound #sudiomoments #你今天透了嗎

New York - you always have a special place in my heart ♥️ Where’s your best place for fall color? 想念紐約的秋景, 那時候看到這景色, 明明趕時間還是馬上坐下來欣賞, 因為美到太不真實好像一幅畫! 請問加州什麼時候葉子才要紅呢?🤣 你看過最美的秋景在哪裡?

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