Gracie Jarvis

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Good Mourning, Nancy covers all of your horror movie needs from the classics to new releases.

Location Syracuse, NY New York
Member Since APRIL 16, 2019
Social Audience 3K
  • Moz DA 18

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  • Paranormal Phenomena
  • Movies
  • Horror Movies
  • Pop Culture
  • Television
  • Traveling
Gracie’s Maternity Leave + Pausing Patreon + Abbey’s Health

Our episode on Se7en (1995) is scheduled to be released on Tuesday, January 28th 2020. Our ninth episode of the season will be released on Tuesday, February 4th and our last episode of the season will be released on Tuesday, February 11th. However, her surgery was enough to knock her off her feet for the next few weeks so she won’t be able to record this last episode with me. So, with Abbey’s blessing, I have asked my very, very good friend Kate to be my special guest for the last episode of the season.

Vampire in a Strange Land: Otherness in Dracula (1931)

It’s no wonder, in my opinion, that Dracula’s first victim in England is a poor flower girl. In Browning’s telling of the tale, Dracula’s foreignness is tied to his country of origin. Another plot device [to show the vampire’s otherness], is the vampire’s inability to cast a reflection… She’s a delicate flower who can’t look after herself and needs the protection of the assimilated doctor, the boring white boyfriend, and her wealthy white father.

Updates! Struggles! Achievements! OH MY!

For those who are unaware, my husband and I left our little apartment in Syracuse, NY and moved out west to a gorgeous new apartment in Buffalo, NY (which is about 3 hours away). As many of you know, Abbey and I started Good Mourning, Nancy as just a fun project for when we weren’t working our soul-crushing barista and office jobs. Still, he kept on swimming; and just when he felt like he couldn’t swim any longer, he noticed that the milk had been churned into butter. We’ve both felt like the frog swimming and swimming trying to turn the milk into butter so we don’t drown.

Something in the Woods: Dr. Ford’s Testimony and Evil Dead (2013).

In early September of this year, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford came forward to tell of her sexual assault experience, facilitated by the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh 36 years ago at a small gathering at a friend’s home. If you aren’t sure of what happened or haven’t watched the news lately, Dr. Ford was allegedly held down and groped by Kavanaugh as her friends were gathered downstairs. In Evil Dead, Mia tries to tell her brother David that there’s something wrong and that the force that came after her in the woods is in the house. Much like Mia is tired and afraid of the deadites hurting her and her friends, women are tired of knowing that their rapists are walking around, possibly harming others, and holding positions of power.

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