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We are committed to providing men, and the women who love them, the tools they need to survive and thrive.

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7 Things You Don’t Know About The Irritable Male Syndrome That Could Be Undermining Your Relationship

I’ve been a marriage and family counselor for fifty years now and one of the most difficult issues to deal with is anger. Both men and women get angry, but I’ve found that Irritable Male Syndrome can undermine even a healthy and loving relationship

The Single Most Important Fact About Men: Learn It and Your Sex and Love Life Will Soar

Now don’t get me wrong, sex can be wonderful at any age, but there’s something that is more important than sex, but it’s something that men have difficulty admitting and women have difficulty giving. I could build the suspense and give you the answer at the end of the article, so I’d be sure you read the whole thing and were duly impressed, but I suspect you’d like to hear it straight away: The single most important fact about men is that we are terrified of being disrespected. If women want to have more sex, love, and power, they need to be more accepting of good men who may not have that alpha male sexiness. I’ve been a men’s group for 40 years and its one of the things that tipped the balance when I met and fell in love with my wife 39 years ago.

How to Come to Peace With the Pain of Others

” we throw ourselves: rehashing past events, writing angry mental emails in the middle of the night, anxious rumination, thinking you’re responsible when you’re not, feeling flooded or overwhelmed or drained, getting sucked into conflicts between others, etc. I do believe the spirit lives on and though I don’t know for sure, I suspect the spirits of our departed loved ones are present on some plane of being. Dr. Hanson says that whatever the pain of another person happens to be – perhaps due to illness, family quarrel, poverty, aging, depression, stressful job, worry about a child, disappointment in love, or the devastation of war – it is made up of many parts (emotions, sensations, thoughts, etc.) The support of friends and family help me to deal with the mysteries of life and will help me as I travel south to be with my family as they begin their own healing journey to better understand the meaning for all of us in the life and death of our little one.

When Love Turns to Hate: Sexual Obsession and Violence in Relationships

I wrote the book, Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places: Overcoming Romantic and Sexual Addictions and shared my own experiences as a therapist and recovering sex addict. Upset about the end of his 27-year marriage, a Santa Rosa man ambushed and killed his wife Monday morning as she sat in her SUV in a Coddingtown Mall parking lot, then drove away and killed himself outside his apartment, police said. The man, age 52, wanted to reunite, but his wife, age 43, wanted to divorce. I’ve been reading the book, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, a book about love, obsession, and what happens when love goes wrong.

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