Beer Pong

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We have 615,000 total followers

445,000 followers on Account A ( 170,000 followers on Account B (

ACCOUNT A REACH Ave Reach 100,000 5,000 Ave Engagement Rate

ACCOUNT A DEMOGRAPHICS 421,667 English 416,000 USA 46% Female 54% Male 77.20% Age 25-34 11.40% Age 35-44

ACCOUNT B REACH Ave Reach 35,000 3,250 Ave Engagement Rate

ACCOUNT B DEMOGRAPHICS 164,633 English 165,979 USA 48% Female 52% Male 71.7% Age 25-34 21.48& Age 18-24

Content is based around beer pong, drinking games, and beer-related activities.

Location Las Vegas, NV
Country United States of America
Member Since SEPTEMBER 23, 2019
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