Michelle Rose

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🎵MS/HS virtual teacher: general music & band/choir 🎓grad student 🎶flute & uke 🦄bringing joy to the classroom 👖cute & casual teacher fashion 💜 she/hers ✉️michelle@themusicalrose.com

Country United States of America
Member Since JANUARY 15, 2019
Social Audience 5K
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Gamify Classroom Management in Upper Grades General Music using ClassCraft

Let’s be real for a second – general music can be a tough buy in, especially at the middle school and high school level. rewards student behavior, XP allow students to level up and learn powers, which they can use for themselves or their teamExamples of how students can earn XP in my class:completes the bell ringer before class officially starts (incentive for them to come to class and be ready to start on time)Health points(HP) – discourages negative student behavior, HP is the life force of their character – if they lose too much HP, they will fall in battleExamples of how students can lose HP in my class:did not participate in group workGold pieces(GP) – extra reward for student behavior(part of the paid plan) or earned when leveling up(available in free plan), GP allows students to purchase gear for their characterExamples of how students can gain GP in my class:early to class (certain number of minutes before class

Music Too: Gender Bias and Discrimination in the Field of Music

Legg, in attempt to replicate gender bias research from the 1990s, found that despite music teachers awareness of gender bias and acknowledgement of how it is unfair, these music teachers continued to link perceptions of quality with gender (2010). The amount of gender bias in these professional magazines and journals can have a serious impact on people’s perceptions of women in the field of music and can continue to perpetuate the harm that comes from gender bias and stereotypes. One study from over 20 years ago totaled the number of collegiate female band directors to be around 6.5% of the total band director positions and claimed “as more women enter the field and as tenured professors retire, it is probable that the numbers of women and men in the field should become more equitable If students at such a young age have developed an anti-female bias towards female jazz composers, this may explain why women continue to experience gender bias and discrimination in jazz.

Cyber Monday Deals for Music Teachers 2018

Drawing on his own experience of feeling undervalued and invisible in classrooms as a young man of color and merging his experiences with more than a decade of teaching and researching in urban America, award-winning educator Christopher Emdin offers a new lens on an approach to teaching and learning in urban schools. For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood…and the Rest of Y’all Too is the much-needed antidote to traditional top-down pedagogy and promises to radically reframe the landscape of urban education for the better.

3 Easy Ways to Build Positive Relationships with Middle and High School General Music Students

In fact, positive student relationships are the cornerstone of my classroom management style (I really hate the word management but that’s what it’s most commonly known as). Often times students get to high school and assume teachers won’t say their name correctly. I have made a commitment to send at least one positive message to students each week and rather than do it through a simple email, I’ve been sending students cards. It’s really nice to see you looking after your students personally, as not many teachers do (especially as one gets into later grades).

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