K Peppin

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Teaching since 2013. GA published, 2016. Second in department for Geography. BSc Hons Geography. M.A. Education. Youtube: Mrs Geography. #geographyteacher

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Most recently I decided to use this activity whilst studying the impacts of deforestation in the tropical rainforest with Year 7. Using the iPads (or textbooks) students researched and collated effects of deforestation on people and the environment on a whiteboard. Once students had a number of effects they positioned each of them onto a thermometer, which we used as our effect-o-meter, to demonstrate how significant they believed each effect would be on the tropical rainforest. For each effect, students justified their placement on the thermometer developing their chains of reasoning and linking each effect to wider geographical understanding.

Word clouds

At the end of a topic, or even the academic year, I like to get students to collate every geographical term they have been exposed to. This allows students to see how many geographical words we have learnt or used within that given time, emphasising the links to literacy

UK physical features

UK physical features is a new addition to a number of new GCSE specifications. Creating a model is a fantastic opportunity to allow cross-curriculum links with Art, Design and Technology. Students are provided with a range resources (such as foam, cardboard, string, plasticine etc.) and a handout to be used as a checklist as to what to include in their creation. Access the task sheet for this activity HERE.

Geological time in 24 hours

This activity allows students to explore the concept of geological time as if it had happened within 24 hours. First, students are asked to put a number of geological events in what they believe to be the correct order. Once the geological events have been placed in the correct order chronologically, students can be shown the timeframe as if it was to happen within 24 hours. This information would then be used to annotate a 24 hour clock in order to summarise the changes in geological time.

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