Abroad with Ash

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Abroad with Ash is a travel blog created to help others plan their next adventure. Focused on providing travel itineraries, travel tips, city guides, top 5 lists, and reviews of hotels, locations, and experiences. The mission of Abroad with Ash is to keep trips realistic and attainable for the average person and to provide helpful insight so others can plan their own trips.

Instagram: 14.8K followers Instagram Statistics: Age: 46% 25-34, 19% 35-44, 19% 18-24 55% Women 45% Men Top Countries: 20% USA, 7% UK, 5% Italy

Blog Views: 23K Blog Unique Visitors: 16K Blog Statistics: Age: 42% 25-34, 14% 35-44 14% 45-54, 12% 55-64 Top Countries & Regions: 77% USA, 12% EU, 5% Canada

Location Dallas, TX
Country United States
Member Since FEBRUARY 03, 2020
Overall Rating
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