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“If you want to know a country, read its writers". We specialise in translated fiction, travel tips, and culture.

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8 Must-Visit Bookish Cafes & Bars in London

Cafes are also a hotspot for readers, who like to curl up with a favourite book and enjoy cup after cup of coffee, letting the hours tick by in peace and quiet. In a cosy corner just 100 yards from London’s British Museum, The London Review Bookshop proudly stands as one of London’s Best Independent Bookshops. ‘Shelf Medicate’ idea is genius, making an effort to help those who are stuck in a reading rut or are new to reading with ready-made ‘prescriptions’ with one of my favourites being the ‘literary fibbers prescription because who among us hasn’t claimed to have read something we feel we should have or at least nodded along quietly? This East London gem will transport you into a world of excellent fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books within bright and airy surroundings.

Why You Need to Read Spy x Family (Manga)

Twilight’s cool-headed professionalism is often broken by Anya’s unpredictable childish behaviour, and the fact that Yor (an assassin) is able to do things that escape a spy Anya’s willingness to try, to work, to learn is endearing, but her confusion and frequent misunderstanding adds a layer of comedy that perfectly balances the drama and strain built by the high stakes of Twilight’s mission. If there’s one thing that guarantees a bright future for Spy x Family (specifically an anime adaptation), it’s the action, and how that action is so beautifully drawn. If you enjoy political drama, spy thrillers, gorgeous action scenes, wholesome comedy, and sweet family drama, you’ll love Spy x Family.

15 Best Neil Gaiman Books (Ranked)

This list of the best Neil Gaiman books includes his novels for children, his novels for adults, and his short story collections all ranked from worst to best. a children’s book, heavily and beautifully illustrated by Chris Riddell, which tells the whimsical tale of a father’s journey around the world. As I’ve already said, Gaiman has never written a bad book but this is far from being one of the best Neil Gaiman books, which is even more of a shame considering his other short story collections do actually rank amongst the strongest of his works. It’s certainly an original tale and not his worst book but, as I said, this is far from being one of the best Neil Gaiman books of all time.

Top 11 Mouth-Watering Chinese Foods

While a Western idea of Chinese food might be a greasy takeaway authentic Chinese dishes are often incredibly healthy – full of fresh vegetables, meat, and light carbs like rice and noodles. However, Jiangsu Province’s Yangzhou fried rice is particularly scrumptious – including egg, carrot, green peas, green onion, shrimp and Chinese ham. Hugely addictive and morish, cheung fun is a popular street stall option in Hong Kong especially – often served with soy sauce, hoisin sauce, and sesame sauce. It’s marinated in sugar, dark soy sauce, hoison sauce and spices for 24 to 48 hours to give incredible flavour, and given a reddy colour from fermented red bean curd.

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