Jamie Perez

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I'm a writer who's looking to get published with his first book. I also enjoy doing art, music, filmmaking, and game development.

Location Palatka, Florida
Country United States
Member Since JANUARY 28, 2019
Social Audience 215
  • No categories for me, yet!
TheGameFreak's Realm of Incontinuity

In which I, a complete internet gaming nut, shares his musings about the world and Internet culture I like drawing miniature items one by one! ! ! a six year old idea that i’m still apparently into: au where it was the water tribe... You can pre-order them by clicking the link above!

TheGameFreak's Realm of Incontinuity

In which I, a complete internet gaming nut, shares his musings about the world and Internet culture a six year old idea that i’m still apparently into: au where it was the water tribe... Win 1 Year on @thinkific’s Pro Plan, plus some awesome swag by entering + sharing this contest! In Color Summit here: https://thnk.cc/think-in-color #thinkific #thinkincolor

TheGameFreak's Realm of Incontinuity

In which I, a complete internet gaming nut, shares his musings about the world and Internet culture I like drawing miniature items one by one! ! ! a six year old idea that i’m still apparently into: au where it was the water tribe... People interested in fan culture and entitlement might enjoy reading books on textual poaching by Henry Jenkins.

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