Heather Laurie

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Are you homeschooling a special needs child? ADHD, autism, a medical condition or a learning disability? Are you a special needs parent? Then join us and get support, encouragement, and great ideas!

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Simple way to Reevaluate Priorities and Goals this year

I decided that I needed to reevaluate my priorities and goals for this year making changes where necessary. Hubby and I have a set priorities list for us and the family. A set structure for where we feel our time and effort is best spent and helps the whole family if we keep this in mind. Hubby and I took a deep breath and closed the door to the outside world and rethought our priorities as a family because he was doing the same thing.

Hospitalized Once More and Thinking over Scripture

The kids are old enough to understand that one day I won’t be coming home but not old enough to truly have the emotional understanding to be able to put that fear into context. While here in the hospital I also got to talk to the Palliative care team and was admitted into their care. I know I have given my heart and soul fully to the Lord and will be in heaven when the time comes but right now I am hurting bad. I will work on my thought life and if I want to dwell on something I will dwell on that day in heaven that the Lord tells me good job.

Struggling with Health with Christmas Season

It’s expensive but necessary with many mito families to ensure care. That means we are reaching many more families with the love of the Lord. We have talked to thousands of families this year about special needs homeschooling. That we all may be healthy and our outreach for the Lord and special needs families be even better this year.

Is a doctor looking you up online cyberstalking?

Norton defines Cyberstalking as: Cyberstalking, simply put, is online stalking. Cyberstalkers use email, instant messages, phone calls, and other communication devices to stalk, whether it takes the form of sexual harassment, inappropriate contact, or just plain annoying attention to your life and your family’s activities. This person invested a large amount of time to crawl through my online life. From Thoughtco.com Cyberstalking can take many forms, including: harassment, embarrassment and humiliation of the victim emptying bank accounts or other economic control such as ruining the victim’s credit score harassing family, friends and employers to isolate the victim scare tactics to instill fear and more.

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