Nancy Rubin

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Dr. Nancy Rubin is strongly committed to educational excellence and creating a positive learning experience in the online environment. She has presented at many conferences, has been published in educational journals, and is the Associate Managing Editor for the Journal of Literacy and Technology, an online peer-reviewed international academic journal exploring the complex relationship between literacy and technology in educational, workplace, public, and individual spheres.

Location Eden Prairie, MN
Country United States of America
Member Since DECEMBER 18, 2019
Social Audience 0 Last Month
  • Moz DA 32
  • Business and Finance
  • Industries
  • Careers
  • Career Advice
  • Telecommuting
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Home & Garden
  • Personal Finance
  • Real Estate
  • Shopping
  • Computing
3 Ways to Ensure Your Business Runs Smoothly

You can avoid so many potential issues with customers just by investing in a good marketing plan and by making improvements in your marketing abilities. Consider a productivity software, especially if you have a remote team, where you can check on your employees throughout the day and ensure they are on task. Provide training to your employees on productivity as well, and consider offering incentives so that everyone remains on task so that operations go smoothly. Take time to increase productivity, keep your customers satisfied, and ensure technology works in your favor.

Important Steps for Keeping the Coronavirus Out of Your Workplace

Because the coronavirus is so contagious, you want to do everything that you can to ensure that it doesn’t spread around your workplace, especially if you have employees starting to transfer back to working in the office. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do in order to keep your customers, clients, and employees as safe as possible while they are at your workplace. In order to make it easy for them to remember to do so, you should place hand sanitizer stations in various places around your workplace. By utilizing the important steps mentioned above, you can help keep your employees safe by keeping coronavirus out of your workplace.

5 Tips When Training Your New Employees at Your Business

The goals and objectives also enable the new employees to know what you expect them to learn during the training. Use experienced employees from your company to train Experienced employees in your business can be very resourceful in training the new members. Some of the valuable resources include a custom elearning solution, the company’s intranet and website, reports, marketing tools, and any other helpful resources that promote successful training. The arising questions help in clarification of various business aspects and help to avoid mistakes in the future.

Marketing Tips to be Competitive in Real Estate

An example of a free strategy would be to host a live broadcast on one or a few of your platforms for 30 minutes to answer a myriad of questions or provide specific information on a particular question that’s frequently asked within your business. Invest in a reliable real estate newsletter subscription, develop a strong content strategy and email marketing plan. Whether you choose to send out emails on a biweekly basis, weekly basis, or daily basis, find ways to actively share the newest listings on the market, the changes within the local and national real estate markets, and how you are a step ahead of all of the realtors in your area. As you grow, you’ll need to scale the marketing process in order to attract, maintain and handle new clients.

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