Dave Weigel

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Covering politics for @washingtonpost. daveweigel@gmail.com, 202-334-7387. @CWAUnion member. Buy my book: https://t.co/qbUTkz3CBR (Avatar by @damnyouregis)

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The Best Podcasts of 2018

Every list of “Best Podcasts” being published right now is wrong, as they prioritize professional standards and storytelling over the strength of the format — how DIY it is. Also, I am a reporter for a living and want to spend roughly 0.0 percent of my downtime listening to people analyze The News. Here are the podcasts I listen to the most, in no order except how readily they came to mind as I counted. I still laugh at the moment when Will warned that the excerpt of a column he was about to read was “pure brain cancer

Movies of 2017

the movie’s reality, and it was a little on-the-nose to watch an ailing Hugh Jackman fight a brainless clone of Hugh Jackman at pivotal moments. But I haven’t felt this tense during a movie in years, and haven’t said “fuck! I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore Beatriz at Dinner Extremely effective, if a little stage-bound, drama about clueless rich white people interacting with the underclass. The kind of story that you can’t believe nobody’s adapted yet — as South Africa implemented apartheid, a black king of Botswana took a white, English wife, and was banned from returning to his country for years as diplomats alternately schemed and crapped themselves.

Let’s hear it for mediocrity!

This defiantly stupid Canadian import began as a YouTube series and was picked up for a six-episode test run, a bit like “MDE Presents: World Peace,” but with less alt-right transgressions and more dumb pop culture references. I enjoyed the randomness of everything else, and the voice acting owns; Betsy Sodaro, a UCB veteran with a voice like a clogged paper shredder, is particularly good as the most competent member of the adventuring crew Gauntlet stumbles into leading. Based loosely on what’s supposed to be a very good book about the alt-comedy scene in Los Angeles in the 1960s and 1970s, the show’s set largely in the fictional Goldie’s, owned by — get this — a woman named Goldie, played by Melissa Leo with dramatic chops and a lot of corny dialogue. But the b-team of actors are funny in a way that overcomes the occasional drab script — Clark Duke, Erik Griffin, Jon Daly, and Al Madrigal as a comedian who is, correctly, mocked for making every single joke about Mexicans.

June 12-22: “The Show That Never Ends” is on tour

The Show That Never Ends,” a history of/argument for progressive rock music, and it comes out on June 13. But if you are lucky enough to live in one of several east coast/central time zone cities, you can buy it AND meet me AND hear me talk. The Best Show”) discuss “The Show That Never Ends” 7:00 p.m. The Show That Never Ends” 1:00 p.m. Cactus Music

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