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Blogger. I'm PR friendly missljbeauty@gmail.com search missljbeauty on Instragram, Twitter YouTube facebook I get 55,000+ monthly views on my site.

Location Mallaig Uk
Member Since JULY 26, 2018
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How To Clean Your Diamond Engagement Ring Safely At Home

Today I want to talk about rings and in particular diamond rings. I once worked in a jewellery store and I was always shocked that people do not know that you can clean your precious diamonds at home. Let's face it diamond engagement rings cost a lot of money and they are an investment item If you are maybe in the market for a new ring or an upgrade you need to check out Abelini jewellery, They have a huge range of gorgeous diamond jewellery from diamond engagement rings to earring and necklaces.

Easter gift guide with something for everyone.

For easter Pick N Mix London have smashed it out the pack with a fun and super tasty mix of all your favriote easter pink n mix. Pick N Mix London is your one-stop-shop for all you pick and mix needs they offer everything from a pre-picked bag to build your own. Plus these will last a lot longer than any chocolate egg you buy and give hours of fun and play. Plus these will last a lot longer than any chocolate egg you buy and give hours of fun and play.

The best dog dental treat on the market.

Like most Dalmatians Mylo has a sensitive tummy and is on a special diet. So if you are looking for a great online pet shop you need to go and check out  Pet Brands . I also love that I dont have to worry about any sore tummy's from Mylo as these are full of good ingredients and vitamins. If you have a dog with any kind of tummy issues you will know how much you need to read the ingredient list before you can give them to the dog and these pass the test for Mylo.

From fat to thin, Vet’s Kitchen have an award for waggy dog stories

The Vet’s Kitchen Woof and Well Award and this has inspired this little post, Keep reading for the chance for your dog to enter to win a coveted dog award and there is an incredible prize! We know how tempting it is to treat our dogs, especially at the moment by giving them an extra helping of food or worse, something from the biscuit jar, but dogs like humans need to maintain a healthy weight range,” says Fiona Firth, a pet nutritionist at Vet’s Kitchen. The Vet’s Kitchen Healthy Weight dog food contains 30% less fat than our Everyday Health dog food, Just like Vet’s Kitchen, our mission is to provide support and guidance for pet owners, and this includes raising awareness for health issues like obesity.” Vet’s Kitchen offer these tips to dog owners who’d like to help their dog lose weight: 1.

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