Charlene Bazarian

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OOfos Footwear Review

Encouraged by the “OO” factor I felt with the Women’s High Shoe, I opted to try the OOfos Women’s OOlala sandal next. While there’s a significant price difference between a typical rubber flip-flop and the OOfos sandals, the OOfos far exceeded my expectations in comfort and support. Like the Women’s High Shoe style, the low shoe also boasts a roomy toe box area, which I found very comfortable. Be ready to OO and Ah! To check out OOfos for yourself and to enjoy a special 10% discount: Check our video review of OOfos Footwear at: The OOfos shoes were gifted to me to review, however the content of my posts and review are my own true opinions and are not influenced by any partnerships or collaborations.

ActivMotion Bar Review

The ActivMotion Bar is designed to force you to constantly think about keeping the bar balanced, as the internal steel ball weights inside of the bar are shifting you need to concentrate on what your body is doing. When you’re not focused on the muscle you’re trying to work, you not only risk injury, but your form can suffer or you end up using momentum instead of actually exercising the muscle you’re trying to strengthen. The ActivMotion Bar doesn’t really allow you to shift into autopilot, as the internal weights need to be kept centered and controlled and they also make noise, which helps create mindfulness of your goal in balancing the bar. The ActivMotion Bar is more expensive than a typical weighted Body Bar, but I liked that the bar is versatile as the videos really showed countless ways to incorporate it into a variety of workouts.

You Lost Weight, But Are you Happy?

There are actually many different factors that will determine your skin tone post weight loss, like how long you were heavy; how quickly you lost the weight; if you only did cardio rather than trying to build lean muscle mass while you were burning fat; and, like many other unfair things in life, plain old genetics. I’m not 20 years old, I’m not even 30 or 40 years old, so who did I think I was? Maybe I was no longer twenty years old but, for the first time in a very long time, the reality I saw in the mirror reflected the positive image I had in my head of exactly who I had wanted to become. Feeling strong and having confidence in yourself is much like having a good hair day, it can go a long way in making you feel unstoppable and that’s something to be happy about!

The Real Shame in Body Shaming

Body shaming, fat shaming and even fit shaming, and it’s all a shame! That said, wasn’t it my fateful encounter with an unsympathetic receptionist at a day spa, who embarrassed me when I had to ask for a larger robe when the one sized fits all robe didn’t fit me, that sparked my “ah-ha moment *The world won’t always be kind and, while you can’t control a mean-spirited comment being hurled in your direction, you can control what you do with it. If you met me when I was heavy, you wouldn’t have known I had tried countless things to lose weight and, if you just met me now, you may never guess that I had lost a hundred pounds.

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