Martina Jones

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A little bit about me grew up in Long Beach, California. Many of the residents like to call it Strong Beach because we are a proud and strong city. We are the perfect blend of beach bum and street. After my first round of college I bounced around from job to job, moved from Massachusetts to North Carolina then back down to California.

I have 2 amazing little boys: Ty is 7 and Tama is 3. I enjoy most moments with them but to be totally honest sometimes they drive me nuts. As a Libra I am constantly trying to find balance in all aspects of my life. Activities I enjoy are running, yoga and mediation to help me stayed balanced.

Location Long Beach, California Los Angeles
Country United States
Member Since NOVEMBER 28, 2018
Social Audience 965 Last Month
  • Moz DA 3

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  • Events and Attractions
  • Education
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Paranormal Phenomena
  • Real Estate
  • Baseball
  • Travel
  • Traveling
Everything is Awesome!

It’s less expensive than Disneyland, a mini get-away for Angelenos, and depending on the time of year you go the park isn’t too busy. I had time to read Harry Potter with my boys, enjoy some snacks we packed and spend real quality time before running around Legoland. Therefore, my advice on how to make the most of your time at Legoland is this, purchase a 2 day hopper pass and stay at any hotel in the area. The 2 day hopper pass allows you to choose 2 out of the 3 parks you can visit.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by: Stephen R. Covey

I started my self-discovery journey soon after I separated from my children’s father. Before I even opened this book my expectations were this book is going to inform me on how to work smarter not harder; I was wrong. This book really breaks down natural human habits, changing your perspective which will then influence changing habits. The 7 Habits is about being honest with yourself, how we are influenced by others and how these perspectives were created.

How We Learn About Our Cultural Roots

Attending events like these are so important to our community because it teaches us diversity, a genuine appreciation for these countries and love for the culture. As a woman who is bi-racial (Latina and African American) I feel it is my responsibility to teach my boys about their culture and history. I’m going to pose what may be perceived as a controversial question but uncomfortable conversations need to be had in order for growth to occur. In today’s modern day society one would argue that today a 9am-5pm job is modern day slavery (for various reasons that I’m not going to get into right now).


I’m constantly searching Eventbrite, Facebook Events and Yelp Events for free activities happening in Long Beach and its surrounding areas. I came across this free event that MyGym was hosting in Long Beach on Facebook events. The purpose of the free event was to gain exposure of all the programs they have to offer, which are: gymnastics, open play, karate, and birthday parties to name a few. They sang with the kids, played games, did a karate demonstration, let the kids swing from the ceiling (their was hooks that hung from the ceiling) and of course free play.

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