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We are a blog page created by a mom and daughter duo. We love DIY projects, and showing you guys our many creations and amazing home!

Social Audience 873
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Yard Sale Round-Up

But besides the 4th, my family is having a yard sale this weekend. We normally have a large yard sale every summer which normally consists of stuff from multiple families. So, I wanted to share some helpful tips and tricks I found that may help you out with a yard sale if you ever want to have one. Step by Step Plan for a Successful Yard Sale from I

Three Cheers for the Red, White & Blue!

The Oriental Trading Company  is a direct merchant of value-priced party supplies, arts and crafts, toys and novelties and school supplies. It’s a great place to order all you party needs and, should I say, school supplies. The contents of this blog are sponsored by The Oriental Trading Company. The little cups are the perfect size to hold your goodies in ( I ordered the cups from Oriental Trading too, but I don’t see that they are available anymore).

Lauren’s Favorites Round Up

And the reason I am taking a 3 day weekend is because it’s my birthday on Saturday! But because it’s my birthday, I am doing My Favorite Things Roundup. So here’s a globe that you can add to any decor! So for my love of Disney, here are a pair of Rose Gold Minnie Mouse Ears that you can add to your Disney collection.

Disneyland Tomorrowland Graduation Party

Lauren and I have worked many months working on some of these pieces. We added few more planets, stars and Haley’s graduation pictures along with a Class of 2019 banner. I borrowed some foam road pieces from work and we added some Oreo tires and gumdrop roadblocks. Seven layer dip became Seven Leia Dip and… Aren’t the Little Green Men cupcakes adorable?

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